Two • Garden Wedding

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It was late afternoon when we finally spotted the cottage we'd been supposed to find the day before. Smoke puffed cheerfully from the chimney, the smell of meat stew wafting towards us.

"I hope he's up to sharing," Archer said with a groan.

My stomach growled. We had more than enough dried food, but the smell of fresh stew was tantalizing. My mouth watered.

We approached the little abode nestled in the trees, and dropped our backpacks on the porch. Damien rapped on the door, and we awaited our guide.

The door creaked open and my entire body froze at the sight of a dark haired man with ocean blue eyes.

"Holy shit," Lyla whispered.

Holy shit indeed, I thought, eyeing the chiseled chest peeking out of his half unbuttoned plaid shirt.

"You made it," he smiled, a friendly twinkle in his eyes. "Got caught up in the storm, eh?" The Irish lilt to his voice made me weak in the knees, and I would have bet Lyla was faring no better.

"Yeah, we hung out in a cave until it blew over," Damien replied. "Thanks for waiting for us."

"No trouble, I live here." The guide waved his hand at his abode. "I'd have come out looking for you if you hadn't made it by morning. You hungry?"

"Most definitely," Archer grinned, and the blue eyed beauty motioned them inside. Lyla grabbed my hand and trotted us after the boys, a spring in her step.

The cottage was cozy but spacious inside, tidy and inviting. The guide grasped a pair of thick gloves and easily grabbed the impressively heavy looking cauldron from the fireplace. He set it on the large wooden table in the center of the main living space. I sat in one of the six chairs, eyes never leaving our gorgeous guide as he puttered around the kitchen, grabbing bowls and spoons.

"Thanks," Damien said as he took the stack of dishes, setting one for himself and passing the rest on. "I'm Damien, by the way. This is Lyla, Archer, and Sapphire."

Warmth crept up my cheeks his deep eyes fell on me, and I busied myself with my bowl. The stew was delicious. It tasted wild—I assumed venison. It was loaded with root vegetables and I wondered if he kept a garden.

"My name is Marius," the guide said, and a thrill danced up my spine. When I raised my gaze to his, my dream came crashing over me like a tidal wave and I had to grip the side of the table.

Jesus, he looked exactly like him. Or was I projecting this guy's face into a faceless body in a sexy dream? Had my subconscious guy had a name? I couldn't remember, but Marius seemed to fit.

"Saph, chill," Lyla murmured, noting my staring.

I was certain my blushing had deepened considerably due to the overheating of my neck and face. Thankfully, Archer and Marius were locked in conversation about the storm, and neither seemed to notice my plight.

It was as if my gaze was drawn to him like a magnet. The soft line of his jaw, covered in a fine stubble that I imagined to be soft and rough at the same time. Lips that I could imagine dancing along my flesh... I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and squeezed my thighs together, desperate for touch.

"Do you have a bathroom?" I spoke up, cursing the crack in my voice.

Marius turned his ridiculously blue orbs on me, a hint of a smirk playing his mouth. "Outhouse is in behind," he said, and I stood, thanking him quickly before vacating my seat.

I strode along the perimeter of the cottage, finding a wooden hut next to a massive garden. I knelt down next to the lush greenery and ran a hand over a plump bell pepper. This guy definitely knew his gardening. I realized I did actually have to pee, and stood, heading into the hut.

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