The Beginning

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Edgar's POV

It's been years since I been to Santa Carla...a lot of memories are here...Sam, Alan, the comic book store and the boardwalk itself. I promised myself I'd never take a step into Santa Carla. Just focus, find the house.
On my way to Alan's after he decided to move back to Santa Carla. He actually lives down the street from Emilia's old house. I'm not sure if Alan ever got over Emilia's death, even though it's been over 20 years since she was killed.
Seeing her house was heartbreaking, but I kept driving, soon pulling up to Alan's house. I slowly got out of the car. "Why did I come back?" I asked myself. But I guess seeing Alan again was alright. He seemed to be doing fine, he has nice house, nice job, and even a nice girlfriend named Lana. And the best part for the both of us was we put the vampire slaying behind us. "Alan!" I hugged him. He laughed and patted my back roughly.
  I shook hands with Lana before walking inside. The first thing I saw was our picture. The picture of Alan, Sam and I. "Look how young you guys look." Lana pointed out playfully. "I wondered what happened." Alan joked. I watched them laugh at the same time like it was practiced. I couldn't tell if he was truly happy, or if it was an act trying desperately to hide our past. But the one thing I noticed right away was Lana's facial features, she looked a lot like Emilia.
  "Are you hungry?" Alan asked with a smile. I shook my head. "No, I'm you have a place for me to sleep?" I asked kindly. "The guest room, I'll show you." Lana offered. "I'll do it, we have a lot of things to talk about." Alan said. The way his face looked, it seemed something was off. It made me worried. I didn't ask questions, I just followed him to the bedroom.
  Once we made it, he closed and locked the door behind us. "What's going on?" I asked with deep concern. "I had a visitor earlier." Alan started off with. I shook my head wanting him to go on. "I don't know if this is going to shock you."
"Damnit Alan tell me already."
  "Marilyn is looking for you." Alan stated. My heart stopped for a complete whole second. "W-what?" I asked. "Marilyn is looking for you." He repeated. Marilyn, the first love of my life...
  After Emilia's death Alan and I gave up vampire hunting for a while...during this time Sam who was still alive and well, introduced us to his visiting cousin Marilyn Emerson. It was love at first sight. Besides Alan became distant from me and Sam. We spent a lot of time together and I convinced her to move in with me and Alan. She agreed and we became a real, long term couple.
After nice and amazing two years together, our relationship fell apart when vampires came back. I did my best to keep her safe, and there was a few close calls...I was gone all the time and hardly ever saw her, I wanted to tell her about what I and Alan did but I only thought of her safety and after the closes call of them all...I left her. I broke up with her and moved away. Probably the worst decision of my life. But I had to move on.
  "Why was she here?" I asked. "She wouldn't say, all she did was ask for you. She looked sick."
  I nodded. "And Edgar, just letting you know...she had a wedding ring on...just so you don't think it's-." I cut him off. "I know."
  For the rest of the night I wondered what she had planned to tell me.

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