The Girl

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The morning hit and I was already up, I didn't sleep much due to curiosity. "Marilyn wanted to see me. Why? What could it be?" I asked myself all night. I let out a real loud sigh before finally closing my eyes. "Edgar!" I heard Alan's voice roar. "What?!" I yelled back with anger. "Come here!" He called out. "No! I'm tired! Leave me alone!" I yelled and closed my eyes again.
"Marilyn is here!" He yelled again. Once I heard her name, all my tiredness went away and I jumped up from the bed. Before I ran out of the room, I looked on the mirror that was hanging on the door. I fixed my hair up before finally walking to the front room.
And there she was. Marilyn beautiful as ever. She gave me a warm smile. "Hi Edgar." She said with her soft voice. "Marilyn." I said reaching to shake her hand. I could tell she was thinking about reaching for my hand. She gave me another smile, and instead of shaking my hand; she threw her arms around my neck giving me the biggest embrace.
My heart started to beat fast, it felt great holding her in my arms again. And in this moment I wanted to tell her I still loved her and haven't been with anyone else since. And it's not because I couldn't okay? It's because I just didn't want too. I could go out and find a girlfriend if I wanted to...I just had no reason too.
  But I will admit seeing Marilyn again made me realize how lonely I was and how much I was such an idiot for letting her go, when I could've told her what I did for a living. Before I could speak again she whispered in my ear. "Can we speak privately?"
I nodded leading her to the room that I was staying in and locking the door behind us. I sat her down and the first time I looked down at was her ring. "How long you've been married?" I asked kindly. She quickly jumped placing her hand over her other hand. "I already pointed it out, besides Alan told me yesterday."
Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. "Does he not treat you right?" I asked popping both my knuckles. She laughed nervously. "It's not that-but he wasn't on board about me coming here. "Well I am your ex-boyfriend, I can see where he's coming from."
"We've been married for 15 years." She said with a smile. "Are-are you seeing anyone?"
I almost choked on my own saliva for a second. "Well-not at the moment, I was-at one point...when I was living in San Cazador...Zoe was her name-it just didn't work out." I was a terrible liar. "Your a terrible liar Edgar." Marilyn laughed. I rolled my eyes with amusement. "Fine, I didn't really date or been with someone in that way since you." I admitted shamefully. "My god Edgar it's been like about 18 years."
I nodded. "And you, been married for 15 years."
  "Yeah, we met right after you broke up with me."
   "Yeah, let me tell you Sam was not pleased with me." I laughed.
  "How is Sam by the way? No one has heard from him for a while, we started to become paranoid that he went missing, it's been 8 years Edgar, I mean I talked to Michael and Starr, whenever I ask about Sam they never say a word." I was shocked that no one had bothered even saying a word to her about Sam's death. "He uh-died in 2010 Marilyn." Her face went cold and blank.
  Then the whole vibe changed. "He turned didn't he?" She asked slowly. I froze trying to figure out what I heard was right. "What?" I asked. Marilyn sighed before speaking again. She slowly lift up her upper lip showing her teeth. I couldn't believe it, Marilyn was a vampire. "Why did you come here?" I asked moving from the bed. "You kill creatures like us. And I was ordered to kill you."
  "By who?" I asked looking around the room. "David." She stages as she jumped from the bed. "He's dead."
She smiled coldly. "No no, little Edgar. Clearly Michael had no idea what the hell he was doing. But I must kill you." She said as she tried to strike me. The room had no weapons at all but I had to use something. By something I quickly unlocked the door and ran out to the living room to see Alan and Lana sitting there quietly. "Stake." I said with a hard breathing tone. "Give me stake." I said gasping for air. "We don't eat meat." Lana said. "Alan stake now!" I yelled.
"We don't have any Edgar." Lana said crossing her arms. I wanted to say something else but Lana's screams were quite enough to know that Marilyn was standing behind me.
"Oh shit." I heard Alan mutter. "Stake Alan." I ordered and without hesitation he rushed to his kitchen grabbing me one. "In the kitchen?" I asked unimpressed. He rolled his eyes unamused. "Kill her Edgar!" He yelled.
I could feel my hands shaking knowing I still love her. "Edgar!"
I took a deep breath and threw my body at her; pinning her against the closet wall to us. She laughed. "Suppose I should tell you this too, if your willing to kill me and go to my car, I got a surprise for you." She whispered. She closed her eyes waiting for me to stake took me a second but I did it. "What's in the car?" Alan asked unfazed while Lana was shaking. I shrugged but we agreed we should check. I didn't expect this but a girl...maybe in her teens? She gave a warm smile to me as she stepped out the car. "Are you Edgar?" She asked kindly. I looked at Alan with confusion. "Yes?"
"I'm Juliet Frog."
"Frog?" I asked.
"I'm your daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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