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[ Unknown Perspective ]

As I run through the forest, dodging large dark trees, my nose latches onto the sweetest smell that has ever penetrated my body. It smells like a mixture of lavender and the falling rain. I mask my scent, so the person responsible for the scent doesn't notice me coming, and swiftly make my way towards the origin of the beautifully intoxicating smell.

As I get closer, I can finally tell what the scent is, it's my blood-partner.

I track the scent to the door of a small cove just off the territory of the Starlight Pack. I stop abruptly in my tracks, knowing that I need to be careful not to go into Starlight territory. Wolves are extremely dangerous, especially when they're protecting one of their own. Going into their territory without my guards or my papa would be a suicide mission, no matter how strong I am.

I snapped out of my daze by a noise being made inside of the cove, a small sigh, a rustle of clothing, and then all of it stopped. No more noise, but the strong smell from before still wafted into my nostrils, entrancing every single one of senses.

Without another thought, my feet started to carry me into the dark wonders of the cove. I stepped with caution, trying to be mindful of the person that seemed to be emitting the scent. As I turned the corner, my eyes flickered down the most beautiful sight.

A young girl, with gorgeous auburn hair laid still on the wet sand of the cove floor. She wore a gown that complemented her olive skin tone perfectly and her small feet were shivering slightly in the now cold water. I moved without hesitation, gently pulling her feet out of the water and wiping them off with the end of her gown. She let out another small sigh which forced me to retreat backwards, hitting my head on one of the rocks that lined the inside of the cove.

I gasped at the pain and reached my hand back to touch the wound. I turned to look at the rocks, a small cluster of my blood prominent against the dull color of the rocks. She started to move around more, and I knew that I had to leave. I couldn't sit there and let her find me, she would be so freaked out.

I slowly made my way out of the cave but turned around before I left.

Goodbye for now, Tanner Stevens.

[ Tanner ]

I could feel a warmth around me, but I couldn't open my eyes. It surrounded me, encasing me in it's safety. I wanted to open my eyes and get lost in whatever it was, whoever it was. I was finally about to open my eyes, and then suddenly it left. It left me cold and afraid. I snapped up from my position on the floor, shifting my gaze around the cove, searching for the warmth that was once present.

The only thing that caught my vision was a dot of blood near the opening of the cave. I got up, dusting off the sand that stuck to my gown, and made my way over to the cave wall. I placed my finger against the spot and gently ran my finger across it, picking up the deep red liquid on the tip of my finger. I brought it up to my nose to try and track the scent but I couldn't place it. All I could smell was the sweet scent of honey and apples. It was the most delectable scent that had ever wandered into my nostrils. I wanted to smell it forever, I wanted it to forever be implanted into my body, coursing through my veins.

Just then I pick up the faint smell of my pack, or rather, Cian. He's running through the forest, getting closer and closer to me. His emotions are frantic, I could feel them. I wipe the blood on the side of my gown and walk out of the cove, the sunlight beating down against my face, making me shut my eyes and wince.

"Tanner!" I could hear Cian's voice, closer than it was before. Suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around my body and lift me off the ground. I open my eyes to see the worried face of my older brother lingering above me.

"Set me down Cian, I'm alright." I say, trying to get my commanding voice through, but I'm still tired from sleeping in the cove so it didn't come across like I wanted it to. He places me on the ground, still keeping a hand on my back. I look over at him, a smile finding its way onto my face. He looks at me with a confused look, like I'm crazy. "Can we go home Cian? Sleeping on the sand wasn't good for my back."

He looks at me and nods. "Father is worried about you. He said you ran off without a word during your meeting with the Hamilton Pack Alphas." A look of sadness spread across my face. Father didn't tell him about his plan for me to marry the future Alpha. I look over at him and take his hand in mine. "Cian, father made a deal with Alpha Xavier and it's not one you're going to like..." I trail off. I don't want to tell him out here, but it's better that he knows before we go back. He'll go ballistic if he doesn't find out from me. He looks at me with a terrified look in his eyes, like he somehow already knew. I don't know how he would've guessed but somehow, it seemed as if he did. Like, maybe he could read my thoughts.

His grasp on my hand tightens. "Tan..don't tell me that this meeting was a.." he trailed off, not wanting to finish the statement. I couldn't make eye contact with him, I could feel the disappointment and sadness radiating off of him. "Yes Cian..it was a marriage proposition that I'm afraid I have to take unless I want to start a war between the packs."

It's sad but true. Not taking the deal with the Hamilton pack was just the same as insulting their Alphas and starting a war between the packs. Nobody cares if we're mated, nobody cares if we love each other. As long as the packs are happy and war doesn't break out, then everything is fine. It's just something I had to do, it's part of my duty as an Alpha.

All of a sudden, I'm being captured in another hug by Cian, except this time silent streaks of tears are running down his face. He is scared for me and he wants to protect me, but he knows that if he comes in between this marriage, war would be at stake and he can't do that to me, to father, or to the pack. I wrap my small arms around his large frame and let myself relax against his chest. His aura immediately calms me down.

The sun is high in the sky, glaring it's rays down onto my skin and letting me soak up all of it's warmth. I step back from the hug that we're both enjoying and look around. For some reason, until now, I hadn't noticed a handful of my father's warriors standing around us. They were all looking at me with the highest respect, and a little bit of relief to know that I was alright. However, something else flickers in their eyes, something that appears to be a mixture of sadness and despair.

That's right, they had just heard my father's proposition, they also knew what this would mean for the pack. We would be at peace with the Hamilton Pack forever, we wouldn't have to always be on guard for rogues or unknown werewolves. It would be bliss...for them. They knew for me, however, that I would never be happy. I would never feel right in myself because I would know, deep down, that every time I touch the future Alpha, every time we share a sentiment of love or happiness, I would be stabbing a wound into the heart of my mate. It would kill me, it would kill them.

I have a decision to make now, a choice between what my father wants, and what my mate wants. But, if anyone knows anything about wolf culture, they'll know that I had already made my decision. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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