Chapter 10 - Dr, Mrs. Zubiya Ali Khan

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Cover photo - courtesy @Malaika'sblog

Zubiya opened her eyes and she felt Asfand's hand around her holding her tightly. She slowly raised herself up trying not to disturb him. Resting herself against the pillows she saw for the first time her sleeping husband, who looked so peaceful and handsome. She felt him tightening his arm around her subconsciously and held her breath. She could not help but kept looking at him, thinking of the day she met him at the hospital and now he was her husband. She said a prayer thanking Allah and her parents, asking them to watch over them, for she still feared about Bahadhur even though he was in jail for double assult, he did have bad friends. But Papa had taken over the case and the entire city was with them. However, the thoughts made her shiver. 

Yesterday was the happiest day of her life, not only because of her marriage to Asfand but  now she had a family and she gained loving  parents and another sister. Seeing a changed Rehan Bhai too was a soothing feeling. She had been so starved for any family love for so long, she had locked up all her emotions and now everything and everyone was there for her and she was like a sponge absorbing every emotion and she felt deep contentment. She looked at Asfand again and wanted to snuggle back in his arms and smiled to herself. She loved, respected, cared and simply enjoyed being with him. This was Love! He was once her savior, then mentor and now husband! 

Video courtesy - YouTube Honey Creations

She wanted to always see him happy from now on, after the deep pain he too had gone through in his life. She made a promise to herself to always be there for him. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the pillows and gently placed her hand on his arm as he was still holding her tightly. She just wanted to feel him. 

It was still early in the morning, the clock showed 5:15am and Zubiya who was usually not an early riser wondered how she woke up early. She realized that in the past she would be restless during the nights and then would over-sleep in the morning. Last night was different, she fell asleep so peaceful, her mind and body relaxed that the good 7 hours of sleep was enough and she felt fresh and rested even though by all normal standards 5 am was early for her. She grimmaced thinking of how she would snooze the alarm when she was in the mess. And thinking of mess, she realized that she needed to make a visit to clear out her room. So many pleasant thoughts running through her mind. She wanted to teach her young students soon and she was thinking of also involving Lubna auntie at the hospital, as an unofficial guest counselor to those patients who wanted and needed more emotional care and support. Many many positive thoughts flashing through her mind. Lots to do she thought and was smiling happily.

Then, she realized that on Tuesday Asfand would be going to Islamabad to meet the new senior doctor who was to join the hospital. He would be gone for 4 days. She would miss him. She slid down the pillow and turned around toward her husband and snuggled.  She wanted a few more quiet minutes with him before starting her day. Asfand was still sound asleep. The past weeks of stress was all gone and he was sleeping peacefully. Unconsciously she was resting her right palm against his chest and her finger was drawing small concentric circles. She snuggled further into him and felt him tightening his hold on her. She smiled as it was the best feeling she felt in a very long time. She could hear the chirping of the birds outside and room itself had a pleasant fragrance, all her senses were hightened and she felt amazingly happy, thanking her God again. 
She peeked at the clock and realized nearly an hour had gone by while she was enjoying the pleasant thoughts.
"Time to get up, Mrs Asfand," she told herself. She realized Asfand was waking up too, she felt him relax his hold on her, raise himself slightly and placed his palm was on the side on her face. She was lying still but slightly raised her eyes to meet his. They just looked at each other. Asfand's had a mix of naughtiness and intense love and her heart raced, wondering how he managed to look at her this way. When he was with her, alone, he made her feel like she was his goddess. Zubiya placed her own hand on his and smiled at him softly. She mouthed "good morning" to him and instead of replying to her, he pulled her close to him burying his face on her hair and she heard him murmur faintly the same. Zubiya's face was nestled close to his face, on his neck and she inhaled the remants of  his cologne and he was so warm, and her lips was touching his neck. It was all so new this feeling of pure love, Zubiya was holding on to his hand and remained still. 

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