Tell Me You Love Me (part 2)

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Jade's POV
I was laying in my bed when I had a message on my phone :

Text conversation :

Niall : Hey Jade it's Niall we met at the Brits 😊
                           Jade :   Hey Niall,
                           Yearh I remember 😊

Niall : Great! What's up ?

                          Jade :  You know,
                          Touring and stuff..
                            What about you ?

Niall :  Yearh same... Hum would you like to go out with me one day ? When
you are free ofc 😶

                            Jade :  I would love to
                                          Niall 😊

Niall : Great ! See you soon then 😊

                            Jade : Okay bye !

Niall's POV
Okay that's a good start.. I don't know if she likes me, but it's a good start... Shit why am I worried about this ? I'm so stupid sometimes....

Jade's POV
He just texted me and asked me out in the same day...... just like a friend..... great, I'm not stressed now.....
I mean.... we are just friends so why am I stressed ?

Tell Me You Love MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant