Tell Me You Love Me (part 3)

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Niall's POV

It's been several weeks since Jade and I are talking by text and it makes me learn more about this girl. I have learned enough to say that she is perfect. I love everything about her, especially when she tries to resist me. I understand that her last relationship has not ended well and that's why she is quite distant but I don't care. I love this girl

Jade's POV

It's not going at all! I think I like him. We just spoke by text but I feel this connection with him that I could not explain. But as I keep saying, I will not do it again! I suffered too much to think about putting that back.

Today we have an interview in London, it will make me think of something else. I think the reporter will talk about our first album, our tour and the Zayn / Perrie relationship.

Niall's POV

Zayn told me that the girls have an interview today so of course I'm going to watch it! I really want to see Jade because we didn't see each other since the Brits and it's getting long ...


Jade's POV

It was the worst interview of my life! They did not stop talking about me it was super embarrassing! The reporters took pictures of Niall and me during the Brits so they came up with ideas about us. Then we played a game of 40 minutes to try to guess my crush, which embarrassed me even more! I ended up saying that my crush was Niall and I hope with all my heart that he did not see this interview ...

Niall's POV

I was sure, I'm her crush! She was so shy, it made her so cute. Of course I will send her a message to tell her that I have seen and heard everything!

Text conversation

Niall :  Just saw the interview....

Niall : So I'm your crush ? ;)

Jade : Why I kept your number ?

Niall : Because I'm your cruuuuuuuush

Jade : I'm gonna kill you.

Niall : You'd be sad if your crush dies ;)

Jade : Fuck you Horan.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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