the second day!

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gray pov.

after lucy fighting giving them to never give up! in fighting...they celebrates lucy but ummmm....I think.....they little scared of lucy just think......

lucy:so did I do a great job?

gray:yeah! but you little bit far but it's okay as long your how much percent did you use power?

lucy:1%.....anyway I heard you will be battle with someone? tomorrow.

gray:yeah! i'm going to make you proud of me! *smile*

lucy:oh really? what about we make a bet?

gray:sure! sure!

lucy:if you will have a kiss from me...

gray:*a image start to appear in his head*yes! but what if I lose?

lucy:you will NOT TRYING TO STRIP FOR MONTHS.*smile*

gray:but....but......I can't stop the habit lucy.

lucy:oh come on~~ only one months.


lucy:yeah! so do you agree at this bet?


makarov:ok cheers for lucy!!


makarov:an a 30 billion jewels!

levy:*sweat drop*master that's is not our target.

killua:hehe.*puff*..I think we should go back because.*puff*i'm think i'm drunk..

lucy:*shocked*what!? a kid like you is drunk!?who is make HIM DRUNK!?

silents .....a dark aura appear surrounding lucy.

cana:m-me. are the one huh!?*cracking her hand*


gray:lucy, calm down.

I start to make her calm down and then she sigh.

lucy:ok.....thanks*smile*if you ever touch my little brother or sister you dead.

cana:*gulp*o-ok I-I will n-never g-going to d-do I-it a-again.

lucy:keep your word okey? *holding her mad*

mira pov.

wow is that lucy we knew? I don't know this is not lucy even she was the original......this is all team natsu fault.if they didn't kick lucy out of the team she wouldn't be like this.if they didn't just throw or ignore her she wouldn't be like this .

is it our fault?

do the old lucy is inside her?

do lucy with sweet smile is in the heart?


is it a fate?

hime:I feel bad about lucy-nee.she having a trouble to fight the sweet revenge in her heart.the old lucy-nee is not in there anymore.there is no more sweet smile but if she have that smile was giving to gray.Don't blame them mira-nee....that fault is the guild.the guild make her like this and it us your fate and them.

tomorrow...the second day.

hime pov.

I knock five time they didn't answer. .

hime:killua! gon! wake up!

killua:give us five minutes!

gon:killua! come on....but hime....I can't move a single muscle i'm too tired~~~

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