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          My body was stiff and my skin sticky. The bleeding had finally stopped, and most of all the pain had finally stopped, and I've been tied to this chair for hours, the rhythm of the boat moving over the waves of the ocean had lulled me asleep, but bile and sickness woke me up.
It trailed down my chin as I wretched onto the floor. Losing this much blood and being in pain and motion sickness wasn't helping me keep a straight mind. Nobody has come in for a while and the room was cold.

I wasn't going to think about what just happened. It was over and done with. I needed to get out of here. I needed Arthur to get me out of here.

The door to the room swung open, and Yvette stalked in. She had changed into a body suit of gold and green. It was old and worn, pieces of the outer chest plates were cracked and dented. The intricate surface was almost scaling like, and I looked up at her seeing the headpiece and her dark hair down around her shoulders. The armor looked ancient and ready to break away with any well-placed hit.

She came behind me and tore the tight ropes off with her bare hands and hauled me to my feet and out the door.

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

She stayed silent and led me down a hallway and upstairs. The boat was old, and the paint was chipping away to reveal rust flakes. The wooden floors were warped and rough with age. I stumbled a few times, but her hold was stiff and painful.

The blood caked on my shirt and jeans was uncomfortable, and my jeans were stiff and cold. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my torso as we exited onto the balcony of the ship. The sky was darkening, and there was a storm in the distance. Cold air whirled around, and I shivered. My eyes scanned the horizon and couldn't see any landforms or familiar cliffs.

"Where are we?"

Yvette's hold on me had loosened, and she turned to me.

"Above Atlantis, if my calculations and Intel are correct."

"Those men, the ones at my house are Atlantean? And they just told you where Atlantis was?"

"Not entirely, once you've been found of treason or are apart of a coup attempt or caused any distress to the King, you're banished. Memory wiped and forced to live among your people, the humans." She sneered the last word, "Most die within the first few days, the abilities you have as an Atlantean are revoked, and some can't handle it." She told me looking across the water.

"That's what happened to you?"

Her eyebrow raised and her eyes slid over to me, "I am a different story that I don't have time to tell," Her hand firm on my shoulder pushed me down onto the deck, "Stay here."

I hit the wood with a thud and watched her walk to the edge, climb up and dive off — her body graceful and piercing as it hit the water with a silent splash. I needed to get out of here. Around me, the other Atlanteans gathered and peered over into the water. Quickly, I got to my feet backing up cautiously, when I knew they weren't going to turn around I ran to the back of the boat. I made my way down the stairs and back into the room I was held.

The chair sat alone in the middle of the room my blood still smeared the metal and stained the floor, but some of it looked like it was wiped up. Ignoring the shiver that ran down the length of my body, I found the metal pipe one of the men had used. He had hit me with it across the jaw before throwing me across the room. I was surprised I didn't break my jaw.

With the pipe gripped tightly I turned back towards the door.

"She told you to stay where you were." His voice was deep and angry, and his eyes glowed ill intent.

"Let me pass," I spoke, and he laughed.

"I should have killed you." He growled stalking towards me breaking into a run he slammed into me. My body being thrown into the wall.

I screamed and lost hold of the pipe. It clattered to the floor loudly. Instinct kicked in, and I clawed at the man's skin bringing my knees to my chest I pushed out with a loud grunt. He stumbled back and I dropped to my knees, diving for the metal pipe.

Instinctively I covered my head with my arms, the pipe tight in my hand as he charged at me. A guttural agonizing short scream sounded above me, and the Atlantean went limp. His body heavy and stiff fell onto me. Scrambling out from beneath, him I could feel blood soaking my clothes. The pipe had lodged itself into his eye socket and protruded slightly out the back of his skull.

Gasping, I shoved him off of me and crawled away. I just killed a man.

My mind was racing, but I couldn't stay here. Without a word, I ran up to the top deck to find it empty. The other two men were gone. I made my way to the makeshift, cruddy lounge area and checked if the steering wheel was locked. It wasn't, but the anchor was down. The button that would pull the anchor up screamed at me in its flaky red paint, and my finger hovered over it. I knew that they would probably know right away that I was trying to get away. Taking my chances I hit the button, and the mechanics whirred to life, and I waited.

Fifteen agonizing minutes passed before I felt the boat shift as the anchor fell into its place above the water. Without a second glance or even a second thought I punched the gas and sped away.

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I surprisingly got all the way to the docks without any incident. I let the boat idle at the docks not even bothering to turn it off or tie it or whatever you do with a boat. Stumbling, tired and covered in blood my mind was beginning to process everything. The beating, the miscarriage, it all started to crash into me, and I had to keep myself from hyperventilating.

With shaky legs, I walked to the Lighthouse. The sky was dark, and a storm brewed angrily in the distance. My knocking went unanswered, so I pushed the door open. The kitchen was a mess. What little pots, cups, and plates he had were thrown on the floor and the living room was just as messy. The couch broken, looked like something heavy fell onto it. Confused and concerned I listened for voices. The familiar deep voice of Arthur came from upstairs.

Hyper aware of just how wrong I looked as I walked up the stairs made my chest hammer in my throat. I haven't seen Arthur in almost a month and now to show up like this?

His door was ajar, and I pushed it open. Arthur was standing in front of me, wet and angry. His shoulders were tense, and his fist clenched. He didn't seem to notice I had walked in. His voice was deep and bitter and directed to the redhead in front of him, who did see me.

Her blue eyes locked with mine and she cocked her head, "That is your human, right?"

Arthur spun around. His eyes wide as he took in my appearance. He didn't seem to know what to do because we just stared at each other and who could blame him? I was covered in blood, bruised and beaten, had a dislocated shoulder and had the blood of his baby staining my thighs. Nothing I say could make this moment any better.

"There's a dead Atlantean on a boat at the dock. I killed him."

Mera whirled around her eyes angrily, "You killed one of my people?!" She yelled charging at me.

"I've killed one Atlantean. Don't try me." I deadpanned.

Arthur laughed, "That's my girl."

My eyes snapped to him, "Shut up, Arthur." I quipped. I turned to move away and winced as my shoulder connected with the doorframe. Large hands rested on my waist, and good shoulder and I shrugged them off.

"Don't-don't touch me...please." I huffed fighting back the tears I walked to the bathroom not even turning to look at Arthur.

The Lighthouse | ARTHUR CURRY: IWhere stories live. Discover now