Truly, Madly, Deeply in Love with You

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Truly, Madly, Deeply in Love with You

Y/N's POV....

I couldn't believe it. I was dating Harry Styles. Harry freaking Styles. With my conservative parents, I thought I was going to end up with some boring businessman or something. But no, I got Harry Styles. Something bothered me though: I'd only had two boyfriends before, both of them I dated in the same year, which was two years ago. While my boyfriend here, had his first girlfriend at 12, first kiss at 11, and has never stopped dating since. It always did bother me, and whenever I saw one of his exes on TV, I would change the channel and glare at the TV, like it was its fault that I was jealous. Harry often teased me about it, too, and playfully reprimanded me, saying that I should stop. But really? How do you expect me to compete against the likes of Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner? (I dislike Taylor a lot- she also dissed my boy at the VMAs- what a biatch!) I'm an ordinary girl who just came from school and has an office in a building- next to the CEO's position, but my job doesn't earn me millions of fans and a gazillion dollars for every project of mine. Yes, I'm curvy, but not the curvy-celebrity type. The curvy that I get from often working out. And I've got (your skin color) skin, which I'm not proud of. I also fuss about my hair a lot, and I don't think of myself as beautiful. I mean, if I was beautiful, why was I made fun of when I was in school? In other words, I was insecure. Of course, my family, friends and Harry told me that I was beautiful, that I must look past my insecurities. But I just couldn't, and I think that's because I really don't believe that I am.

I had just come from work and after fixing all my stuff, taking a shower, and changing into a tank top and leggings, I plopped down on the couch in our living room, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV. Normally I would have went on my social networking sites, but the hate had gotten a lot worse and I'm already insecure enough. Leave it to the so-called "fans" to make me feel bad about myself. I flipped through the channels and stopped when I saw my fave gossip news show on. They were dissing a certain celebrity's gown at the Oscars and I was laughing at the host's comments. After criticizing the look over and over again, I saw a picture of Harry and I on screen. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and dialed Harry's number.

He answered after three rings. "Baby!" I could almost hear him smile through the phone.

"Babe! Babe, it's y/n. Our picture is on-" I stopped after I heard the host's not-so-pleasant comments about me on television.

"She isn't pretty, there's nothing good about her. I don't even know why Harry likes her. I mean, he's a heartthrob! He's done better before! He's Harry Styles! He's dated Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner, been linked to Cara Delevigne and Paige Reifler. What happened? She looks like crap, if I'm to be honest. I'd rather he dated his sister, honestly, Gemma looks so much better."

"Incest!" A person from the audience shouted. If they weren't talking about me, I would have laughed, but they were. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Argh!" I shouted and threw the remote against the wall. It broke, but I didn't care.

"Babe! Y/N! Are you okay? What happened, baby?" Oh, God, I'd forgotten that Harry was still on the phone.

"Uh, I'm fine, baby. I'm okay, it's nothing." I tried my best to sound like everything was fine.

"No, something happened, and I'm gonna find out what it is." I cringed. I'm such a terrible liar. "I'll be there in twenty minutes, the maximum."

"No, Harry, really, it's okay! It is! I'm just-" He hung up on me. He's probably driving at 120 kph right now. God, I hope he's not gonna ask when he comes home. But I already know he will.

I started sobbing again, and curled myself into a ball. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean they can hate on me! Just because I'm not that sexy like all of his former girlfriends doesn't mean I'm just as good, or even better! Just because I'm not beautiful doesn't mean I don't have feelings, feelings that make me feel more insecure than I already am. I sobbed into a pillow and started punching it, like it was the host who used to be my favorite. Like it was the "fans", who I used to like a lot. Like it was the reason why I was insecure, why I had low self-esteem. Like it was the mean girls in high school, who made fun of me until I cried. Like it was-

"Babe, I'm home! What's wrong?" Harry's voice was concerned.

"Nothing is, see?"

"Where are you?"

"In the living room, baby."

He walked through the door, and I wiped my tears. I put on a fake smile, too, in the hope that it was believable that nothing was wrong.

But he saw right through it. "There's something wrong, kitten, and you've got to tell me what it is."

"There's nothing wrong, Harry! What makes you think that something's wrong?"

"Well, you shouted on the phone a while ago, and your favorite show is on but you're not laughing, and that's-" He was cut off when he heard what the host was saying.

"So as I was saying earlier, Y/N Y/L/N is probably the worst girlfriend Harry Styles has ever had! Nothing can make her as beautiful as all his former girlfriends. She's just so- how do I put this into words- ordinary. She looks so innocent too, not the sexy smoky type Harry usually goes for. What's so special about her anyway? Honestly. Please give me a call if you know." The audience laughs with the host, while I sob into Harry's chest. Then I feel him moving, but I still don't look up. Suddenly the host's phone rings. "Oh, somebody actually took it seriously. Probably another joke about his girlfriend that's flatter than the new iPhone." Laughter. "Hello?"

"I'll tell you what's special about her." I'd know that voice anywhere. That's Harry's! "She's beautiful inside and out. She's really good with children. She's made everyone proud- her family, friends, my family, my friends, me." I looked up at him. He looked down at me, and smiled. I smiled back. "And she won my heart. That, in itself, is saying a whole lot. Her position at work is next to the CEO's. She's worked through all the hardships in life. She's never stopped working hard. She sailed through the hard times. Like right now, you're criticizing her, when she hasn't even done anything wrong. She used to be your favorite host. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. I can't even tell you how much it breaks my heart whenever I see her cry because of the hate she receives or all the unpleasant comments that follow her around. Sure, criticize me all you want, but not her. The reason why she's so different from all of my former girlfriends is because she's so much better than all of them. She's so supportive of all of the things I've done. And she's damn honest. Not like some of the former ones, who just tell me what I want to hear. No. I needed an honest person, and she came along. She's sexy, damn. Sexier than anyone I know." I felt myself blush. "And if you think she's innocent, well," he chuckled, "wait till I tell you about how she's like in bed." I smacked him, while laughing. The audience laughed too. Leave it to my dirty minded boyfriend to leave a perverted comment. "And I honestly couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. I hope you got your answer, coming from her boyfriend himself," he said before hanging up.

He looked at me and sighed. "I'm so lucky to have you as my kitten. I'm honestly the luckiest guy in the world. And I don't fucking know why they can't see that. I have no idea why they can't see how beautiful you really are. I'm ready to die over and over again just for you to survive. I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you."

"I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you too, Haz. I don't even know how I got you as my boyfriend, but I'm so damn thankful for it. Thank you, Haz. Thanks for always making me feel special." I kissed him, long and hard. At this moment I'm certain that this is the man that I want to grow old with.

And, yes, it did happen.

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