Didn't Mean To

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Didn't Mean To- Harry Styles imagine (AU)

"Okay class, so remember plants get food from photosynthe-" Our Biology teacher, Mr. Woods, was cut off by the bell ringing. I jumped up, happy to finally be out of that boring hell the American education system calls a class. The gaggle of cheerleaders made their way over to me, since I was their captain and all of them were my friends anyway. "OMG! Y/N! Have you seen the outfit this loser was wearing, it was-" Sasha, the team co-captain and my best friend, said. I was only half paying attention since I was looking for my boyfriend, Harry Styles. Harry was a jock, captain of the football team. Everyone says that we're perfect for each other, and I'm happy to agree. He's the best boyfriend I've ever had, and having dated the entire football team, that's saying a lot.

I still couldn't find him! Is he mad because I was flirting with Louis, another football player? That didn't mean anything! For God's sake, they're best friends! And I broke up with Louis years ago. To be honest, I don't even think that's considered flirting. He knows how I flirt, and that was not it. I was just flirting with him since Sasha dared me to. And Harry hasn't asked me to be his prom date yet, and I don't want to go with anyone else. I shouldn't have done it! If he takes another girl to prom, I swear, I will bawl my eyes out.

My friends and I, with me in the middle, walked towards the cafeteria. The other cheerleaders thought I was engrossed in the gossip that I was speaking, but secretly I kept looking for Harry. He still wasn't here. I think he really is mad. So I excused myself from my friends and promised to finish the story later. They all bought it and walked to the cafeteria without me except for Sasha, so when I started walking the opposite way, she followed me, snuck behind me and asked, "Looking for Harry?"

I gasped, put my arm around her and said, "God, Sash, you scared me."

She laughed, put her arm around me too, and said, "You get scared too easily. I've been noticing that the entire time you've been gossiping, you've been looking around you." She knew me too well. "I know you've been looking for Harry. And I know where he is."

"Where is he then?" I asked, frustrated.

"Well, Niall texted me a while ago that he and Harry are in the football field. He said that Harry's been fuming. I think he took that dare a little too seriously," my best friend, who's also Niall's girlfriend, informed me.

"That's because he doesn't know it's a dare, Sash."

"Oh." She gasped. "You should've told him!"

"I was gonna be late for class! I can't manage being late. I need to keep a clean reputation. And good grades. I need good grades to become the next CEO of our family's company." I replied. My parents were very demanding (even if I know that they love me to bits), and the only two who kept me sane through all of it was Sasha and, of course, Harry.

"You still should've told him. But you have to face the problem. Go to the football field and face him. He deserves an explanation. Good luck, love," Sasha said, hugging me.

"Okay, thank you, Sash. Now eat lunch, I'll be there as soon as I talk to Harry," I said, hugging her back. She then sauntered off.

"Now to face my boyfriend who's very scary when he's angry," I muttered to myself as I made my way over to the football field. When I got there, sure enough, my boyfriend was there, kicking footballs and scoring goals faster than ever, with Niall cheering him on.

I didn't make myself seen at first. I know it's odd, but Harry being mad was kind of turning me on. I don't know if he just acknowledged my presence, or if a small moan emitted from my mouth. I just know that as much as I was planning to stay hidden, Niall saw me and shouted, "Hey, Y/N!"

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