Chapter 1

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A/N;Ok so normally ima do my intro at the end so its a outro this is my FIRST story so go nice on me you one follower that reads my book yeah you hi there mate

So the pics uptop (just click on that why dont you) yeah so the pics there the biggest one is karma and the side ones are her outfits throughout the day because ima good auther actauelly i dont like that name I am a ^~/.type write./^~ yes I am a good type write any at peace

(all copy rights reserved whatever the fuck that means)

I woke up to a loud bang ....of course

I sit up as stray tear rolls down my cheek

I stand up turn on my lamp and tie my hair up into a messy bun I look up to the big clock on my wall to see it was only 4:00 am knowing I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep I went over to my door locked it and took a nice warm shower for a few hours

I stepped out of my shower onto a cold floor the sunrise shon through my bathroom window

I grabbed a towel to wrap around my self and another to wrap my hair up into I then walked out of my sweet bathroom back into my bright walled room I take out a bodysuit

I cream my hair and do my edges so i look poping and put on some black TNs

I grab my phone before heading out of my room quietly I hop down my stairs dodging everything creeky in my house I grab a white bomber jacket and head out the door quietly making sure my dad doesn't get up and this is where the horror begins

Ok so let me give you a little intro as to who I am

My names karma yea karma as in what goes around comes around type karma caramel brown girl seen as my mom was black and my dad is white

I'm also a omega meaning that i am the most hated in some cases

I'm the lowest ranking wolf in the pack which means I do most of the work

I have to pup sit a lot like a lot whenever a group of people wanna do something if I ever get chosen to go hunting ill always eat last and this is all because of my dad

But another story for another time lets go onto my appearance

I'm 5,4 witch in-between short and not short I have long legs and a long torso but I'm am fucking short

But at least 🙃😇 I have a dam body I'm very slim thick I'm curved really curved

I wear revealing clothes to piss off the other female wolves because they hate me once again because in the omega but eh I'm cool with all the humans I have a couple of Wolfe friends and a few human friends

In the wolf department, i don't get invited to anything nothing in fact

And pack affairs ill stay out of the way since I'm never needed unless its for little things so that's were I stand and that's a little about me but I do get invited to do things with the humans but I pass it down because with every human there's always a wolf it cant be helped the people that hate me and the people that bear me friends tiring me left and right until I just end up alone again but oh well


I look up from my phone to see im standing at the gates of my school

Its a human and wolf school so we all mix but the humans obviously done know we exist but its funny them not knowing about this whole other world of thing I take off my jacket and wrap it around my hips as I walk into the school building heads turn my way and with that there's also low growls

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