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My head was pounding and I winced as the pain increased. I groaned as I peeled my eyes open, reaching up to rub my head. My vision was a little blurry at first but it soon cleared up. My eyes widen at the unfamiliar surroundings and I shot up, only to groan in pain.

"Take it easy there, he hit you pretty good." A deep voice said from beside me, making me jump. I turned my head to see a man that looked very familiar.

He had light brown hair and bright green eyes, a few freckles on his face. The man stood at about six foot, maybe. A gasped as I recognized him right away.

It was Jensen Ackles! The man who plays Dean Winchester in my favorite show Supernatural! "You're Jensen Ackles!" I exclaimed excitedly, only to wince as the pain only increased. The man, Jensen, chuckled before nodding.

"Yes, I am. Here Buttercup, take these, it'll help with the pain." Jensen told me, handed me two orange pills and a glass of water. I gratefully took the drink and medicine, taking a small sip before taking the pills. I then drowned the water.

"Thank you." I replied, making Jensen smile sadly.

"It's the least I could do given the situation we're in."

My eyebrows furrowed together as I glanced around the area I was in. "Where are we and why are we even here?" I questioned, still looking around the room.

It seemed to be like a small apartment, execpt there are no windows. A small kitchen with cupboards, a table and four chairs, a fridge, sink, and stove. Then there was the living room, which is the area we're in. A tan loveseat, a matching couch, a tan chair, a coffee table, and a TV. A vase of purple lilies was on the coffee table. In the opposite corner, there was a bookshelf full of books and movies with a chair beside it, a rug on the floor. There was two doors on each side of the bookshelf. They must be bedrooms or a bathroom. Beside the kitchen area was what seemed to be the entertainment area. A flat screen tv with an Xbox, Wii, more movies, and video games. There was three more doors, which I think lead to more bedrooms and a bathroom.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jensen sighing. "I have absolutely no idea where we are besides that we are in some guys basement. As to why are we here, I do not know. The only time we've seen the man was when he brought you two in." Jensen explained, looking down at his shoes as he leaned his elbows on his legs.

My eyes widen. "Oh my God, where is Daniel?!" I asked, jumping off the couch. Jensen looked surprised by my sudden change in mood.

"He's with Jared, don't worry. We played rock paper scissors to who got who. They'll be out in a moment." Jensen explained, looking back at the door beside the bookshelf.

Like they knew we were talking about them, the door we were looking at opened and out walked my boyfriend. And Jared Padalecki was right behind him. I nearly fainted right then and there. I'm literally standing in front of two people that are in my favorite show ever!

Daniel let out a sigh of relief once his eyes landed on me. "Thank God." Daniel mumbled under his breath. I smiled lightly to myself as I ran towards him. Daniel pulled me into his embrace and we just held each other tightly, forgetting about the world around us.

Logan's POV

I paced the police station, running my hand through my mob of blond hair. It's been six hours since my little sister and Daniel were taken and the police are trying everything they can. But I feel like they can do better. Apparently, two celebrities, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have been kidnapped too. The detective on the case says that the description we gave him of the man and witness for the other kidnapping were the same.

Tears came to my eyes as I finally stopped pacing and slumped down in a chair. I let them run freely down my face, not caring if the guys saw it or not.

Mae was sitting in Jack's lap as he rocked her back and forth, trying to calm her down. Mae sobbed uncontrollably as she buried her face into Jack's shoulder. Beside them, Zach, Corbyn, and Jonah cried together, comforting each other. They tried to comfort me but I denied it. I just needed to clear my head.

The detective, Bryan, walked into the waiting room and I shot up out of my chair. Bryan sighed, shaking his head. "We haven't found anything yet -" Bryan started but I cut him off as I scoffed, crossing my arms as rage filled me. Sadness and rage are two things that should never be mixed.

"You seriously haven't found anything and you have all the information you need. You have a picture of the person, information, everything. So I don't get how you haven't found anything. You shouldn't even call yourself a detective because you suck at it." I paused. "MY BABY SISTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN FOUND ANYTHING. YOU'VE BEEN ON THIS CASE FOR WHAT, A MONTH. SHOULDN'T YOU HAVE HAD SOMETHING BY NOW?" I stopped, taking in a deep breath. I went to talk again but Mae beat me to it.

"Logan is right. My best friend, my sister, is currently being held against her will and you are just standing there. You have everything you need to get this guy! And guess what, you're just standing there saying there's nothing you can do. So you've got ten seconds to say what you want before I fire a new detective that can actually do the job." Mae glared at Bryan, crossing her arms. Bryan looked at Mae, who was just sobbing two seconds ago. He shook his head and began talking.

"I understand but really, we can't do anything at the moment. We have a team already going out searching the house and we are contacting family members. Trust me, we are trying. But until then, we can't do anything." Bryan defended himself.

I rolled my eyes. "You could've just said that first and we wouldn't have blown up on you." I told the detective, sitting back down in the chair.

Corbyn snapped his fingers. "Well, if you're trying your hardest, then why are you still standing here? Get to work, Bryan." Corbyn told Bryan, his face blank. I would've said roasted but now wasn't the time.

I placed my hands behind my head and leaned back. I better get some rest before I have to show these detectives how to so their jobs.

Emma's POV

I laid on the loveseat curled into Daniel's side. Jensen was sprawled out across the couch munching on popcorn and Jared was reclined back in the chair.

The new 'IT' movie was playing on the TV. All of us would jump at the scary parts and when I'd sometimes scream, the boys would laugh at me.

Even though I'm enjoying my time here with the boys, I miss home. I want out of this place. I want to be able to be with my brother and Mae, watching Annabell: Creation and throwing popcorn at Logan during the scary parts so he'd jump and scream. And I know for a fact that we will go home, all four of us, even if it is the last thing we do.

Falling - Daniel Seavey ✔Where stories live. Discover now