Fake Happy

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Italicized parts are the lyrics of the song above

I've been doing a good job

I stare down at the full plate of food goo before me, my appetite seemingly absent.  Casual chatter's occuring around me, but I feel myself blocking it out. I don't do it on purpose. My mind is just on... other things.

Making them think

"Lance?" I hear a voice pull me out of my head. I dart my eyes upwards to be met with a moderately concerned looking Shiro. "Are you going to eat? I know it's not the best, but you should still eat it."

I'm quite alright

"Oh yeah!" I reply, making sure to add a bright smile into the equation. I jam my fork into the green mush before shoving it into my mouth. I don't really like it, but I don't let him know that and instead make up an excuse with a mouthful of goo. "I was just distracted."

But I hope I don't blink

"By what?" He asks. I stare at him blankly for a moment, finding myself lost for an answer since I didn't expect him to press the issue.

You see, it's easy when I'm stomping on a beat

"Well, since you asked," I plaster on a sly smirk as I quickly conjure up a lie before he can suspect anything. I then proceed to tell him, as well as the others who were now paying attention, all about the gorgeous alien named Hina that I met during our last mission. It's a classic Lance story, a perfect fit.

But no one sees me when I crawl back underneath

Of course, who wants to hear a classic Lance story? No one does. At least not anyone here. So naturally, this makes it so they all roll their eyes and mumble "I should have known, it's Lance after all...." It's Lance afterall, so of course he wouldn't have anything of value to say...

If I smile with my teeth

They don't realize they're doing what they're doing.

I bet you believe me

They think they're just treating me normally, like how I'm asking to be treated.

If I smile with my teeth

I'm used to this happening though, so it's not like I'm upset about it.

I think I believe me

And even if I was, they wouldn't notice.

Oh please!

I rise from my seat and prepare to leave for my room. I don't particular feel needed, so I might as well.

Don't ask me how I've been!

"Lance? Are you alright?" A soft, but strong voice pipes up in her soothing accent. I was trying to be discreet about it, but not a lot of things get past Allura.

Don't make me play pretend!

I turn around to see her looking up at me curiously with her diamond-colored eyes. I put on my best reassuring smile.

Oh no!

"Yeah, I'm good." I tell her, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Just a bit tired is all."

Oh, what's the use?

"Oh, I see," She responds, directing her attention back to her half-eaten goo. "Well, have a lovely sleep then."

Oh please!

"Are... are you okay?" She smiles softly at me after I ask this.

I bet everybody here is fake happy too

Fake Happy - Langst [ONESHOT]Where stories live. Discover now