- Final Author's Note -

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Guys... This is the last part of Dear Girl,.. Part 1 ;)

With an overwhelming amount of you amazing human beings asking for a Part 2, I simply must grant your wish! Within the next day, Dear Girl, [Part 2] will have the intro posted and from there it will continue close to where we left off.

While you may have already noticed, I have decided that since the title of this book will be undergoing a slight change (adding [Part 1]), I will be adding a new cover that can share similarities with Part 2. I was, however, able to aquire a screen grab of the old cover that will be forever memorialized in the media section of this final note <3

[[This book will not be marked as completed until I've had the chance to look over every single chapter for any spelling mistakes I may have breezed over the first time.. wish me luck :p]]

Thank you all so much for your neverending support through Dear Girl, it wouldn't have been possible without you. From the bottom of my heart I say,

Thank you.

xo Cami


Dear Girl, [Part 2] has been posted.

Dear Girl, [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now