n e w d e v e l o p m e n t s

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La Nuit Etoilee was the only one on 21st century's newest category of the term 'pop star', even though she didn't sing or play an instrument or even do concerts. She danced.

And for some strange reason, people liked it.

The girl had over 70 million subscribers on YouTube and countless others on her other social media accounts.

She was the newest musical phenomena and to top it off, there wasn't a single stain on her record.

You must be wondering, why? There's always a dirty something about everyone, but not with La Nuit Etoilee, because absolutely no one knew who she was.

She wore heavy makeup and -what most people assumed was- a wig, a lilac with blue ends and random pink strands wig. The only facts known about her were that she was of age yet, she was French and her eyes were the deepest emerald coloured ones seen since a very long time.

She was very popular, especially in aspiring dancers, and therefore, she was one of the many reasons of why Coreen disliked her year mates.

Those girls fawned over her and her wardrobe and how 'hot' her background dancers were. The guys grovelled at her feet in hopes that she would consider revealing herself to them.

Not that the purple haired girl had any interest in boys so far.

So that one September morning in Sertello's started out as every other.

With girls gossiping about La Nuit Etoilee's latest video just outside her dorm room.

Coreen shot them a tired glare and continued on her way to the cafeteria, which thankfully wasn't too far, ignoring her year mates' sneers and comments about her hair colour.

She dragged her feet into the noisy cafeteria and grabbed a cup Greek yoghurt and a handful of chocolate chip cookies and headed to the lawn in front of the cafeteria.

The orange-haired girl sat beneath the yew tree in the centre of the field and continued working on a worksheet for World Literature as she munched on her breakfast.

"Hey, Ginger Snap! What'cha doing?"

Luke Borchard ripped the worksheet from her hands and handed it to his two goons - Ninny 1 and Ninny 2 - who proceeded to tear it to pieces.

The brown haired German boy's life goal was to ruin her day every day, or probably world domination through his so-called good looks.

Life would be good without Borchard tormenting her and her other classmates' tendencies to make fun of her.

Oh, and with being in a different class that didn't have Borchard on it.

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