Chapter 2: 4 months later

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 //Billie's POV//: It's been about 4 months and people are still not over what happened at A.E. Wright, especially Tati and Pastel. That is like all they talk about, as if it's like some kind of a movie or some shit. Pastel just makes up a bunch of random theories about who the killer might have been, and Tati just talks about how she believes "Jake Wil is back" and how much she admires him. A bunch of stuff has changed from four months ago, but I still haven't changed, deep down I am still hiding all my emotions and my past. I just can't tell anyone that Jake was my older brother. Besides, it's not like they'd believe me anyway. I feel like everyone's been slowly changing though. Like, our group is just turning into a fucking mess. Joey is now dating Alex and they are always gone, Savannah is just pissed off all the time, and Pastel and Tati wouldn't shut the fuck up, oh yeah and there's Sohrab the trench coat kid who is apparently dating Tati but he never really talks. There's also Bryson and that Arsia guy who come here every once in a while and fuck around. The only one's that are cool are of course Kyle and Christina. "WHAT'S UP FUCKERS" Arsia yelled as him and Bryson ran up to our table. "Oh my god, no", Cried Savannah. "Fuck, not these fucktards again", Joey sighed. "I heard you guys have been talking about Jake Wil", yelled Bryson. "Please go away Bryson", said Savannah. "No I'm hanging out with my best, best, friend Arsia", Bryson said. "I fucking love him Jake with all my heart", Tati said looking up from her drawing of Jake. "So... What do you guys know about Jake? Do you think he was the one that stabbed me?", Arsia asked. "We think everyone needs to shut their asses and move on and stop being autistic", Joey said, making Alex burst out laughing of course. "If you don't like the conversation just leave", Said Savannah to Joey. "Shut up Savannah", Joey responded. "Who do you guys think is his next victim? It could even be any of you guys", Arsia pointed at us. "Oh my god shut the fuck up, no one cares. WOW you're so spooky!", Joey yelled. "Joey shut the fuck up, you're just as annoying as he is", said Savannah. "Damn, I wanna see your scars", said Pastel with excitement. Suddenly, Kyle and Christina left and Aida came in with Angie. So, "What are you guys up to?", Angie said "Murder stuff? I've been doing a lot of research on this and honestly, I wanna make this whole thing into a comic book", said Angie. "Oh my god can I help you with it? I can draw pretty well", aid Tati. "Sure, why not", Angie responded. "So, what's up Arsi? You must be really traumatized after what happened to you", Aida said. "Yeah, are you okay", Asked Savannah. "Yep, trust me. I'm dealing with everything", Arsia responded.  "I really feel like this isn't over. And the murdering spree has only just gotten started", Angie said quietly. I then got so fucking tired of all this shit, I just walked off. Sometimes, I just keep everything all bundled up then I eventually explode. People are so goddamn stupid that if they find out I'm Jake's sister, they'll instantly make even more shitty Shane Dawson theories that I'm the killer fucking killer. I decided to just take a walk and just think for a while. As I was walking, everything just felt so weird. I just felt like I was being watched the whole time, and I was looking around me all paranoid. I just decided to go on top of a roof and sit there, and just stare at flames as I play with my lighter. So I got on top of the roof. As I was sitting, I just felt like burning myself alive, I honestly wish the killer would just kill me. I just sat there all alone with nothing but thoughts the entire forty minutes of lunch time. But then, suddenly, I felt something tap my shoulder, but I was too nervous to look back, so I just slowly turned my head back. Then I saw it... It was the Jake mask. I was freaking out inside really badly and was literally about to have the worst panic attack of my life, I didn't know what to do. I was basically dying inside and got a really bad headache and was about to burst out crying. I then felt like everything started becoming dark, and it was becoming night time. I was seeing stuff that wasn't there.

 I was seeing stuff that wasn't there

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