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"Don't scream. If you do, you'll pay," snarled the raspy voice.

"Do I make myself clear?"

He didn't give me a second to respond before he jabbed the wand farther into my neck, making me nearly cry out in pain. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Oh, the boss is gonna love you. He's been hunting you for ages," came another unfamiliar voice.

"C'mon now, we wouldn't want to harm you, now would we?"

Yeah, right. Oh, wait. That's sarcasm.

His hold on my arm was starting to hurt. He was squeezing my arm as he dragged me along, wand still at my neck.

I tried looking around, wanting to get some idea of where they were taking me.

They pushed me into an even smaller, darker alley.

They wrapped something around my eyes. I tried struggling, but that only got me slapped. They had my arms around my back.

They apparated suddenly. The sudden sensation of being squeezed through a tube nearly made me lose my lunch.

The first thing I heard was more talking. A lot of talking.

"C'mon," growled the raspy voice.

He shoved me forward.

We walked for what seemed like eons, but I was counting the turns. I might be able to get out of here if I remember the turns. Right, right, left, right, right, left, left, left, right, and so on and so on.

I finally heard a door open and then close a few moments later.

The blindfold was ripped off of my head. The room was dark, so it took a few moments for my eyes to adjust.

When it did, I noticed that the room looked similar to the Slytherin common room. It had black chairs, no fireplace, and dark green carpeting.

A Slytherin lives here, maybe?

"Leave us, Braxton, McClure," ordered someone who was sitting in one of the chairs.

I couldn't tell who it was, as the chairs were turned so they were facing the wall opposite me. I didn't recognize the voice either.

"Hello, Elle."

"Um, hey?"

I heard him chuckle.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Not really, no. But you haven't let me see your face yet, so...." I trailed off.

He waved what I assume is his wand and a few candles lit.

I defiantly looked up at this mystery man. I was met with a face that was familiar. Where have I seen that face?

He has short black hair and stormy grey eyes. He looks young, but his eyes hold a... a widened beyond his years. He has worry lines, but he crooks one side of his mouth up into a smirk.

Where have I seen him before?

"Now do you recognize me?" He inquired after a moment.

I was silent for a moment. What do I say? "You... you seem familiar. I can't quite place you, yet." I still hadn't quit staring at him, studying his features.

He smiled and quickly told me, "That's alright. Let's talk and maybe it will come to you."

Wait, this guy smiled? It wasn't a demonic smile, nor was it the smile of an evil wizard. It was kind, timid.

I'd still say he was a Slytherin.

"What do you want with me?" I finally asked, getting quite impatient.

He smirked. "I wish to talk to you about your father."

My heart stopped beating for a moment.

"What... what do you want with him?" I demanded, fighting to keep the fear at bay.

He smirked. "I simply wish to talk to him. You're the only way I can do so."

My brows furrowed. I'm confused. What does he mean?

"How so?" I asked skeptically.

"I'm going to send you back to him with a message."

He took my arm and guided me to one of the chairs.

"So you went through all this trouble just to have me deliver a message? You nearly got me killed, just so I can deliver a message?"

Now it was his brows that furrowed. "Nearly got you killed? What does that mean?"

"Your men had a wand at my neck. They slapped me and their hold on me was quite... threatening."

The man rolled his eyes. "I told them not to do so. I told them to be gentle," he muttered under his breath.

"I'm quite sorry. I did not intend for that to happen," he apologized to me a second later.

"Just don't let it happen again?" I said, but it came out more like a question. What do I say to that? I can't rightly say that it's okay, because it's not. The war's over, people don't need to be doing things like that!

He chuckled slightly.

"You must be famished. Let me have one of my house elves get you something," he paused, grabbing a bell and ringing it, "Daisy!"

A little house elf appeared.

"Yes, master?" She asked sweetly.

The man smiled at her gently. "Could you please get our guest a meal?"

Daisy nodded. "Is there anything specific you would like Daisy to make?"

"Ask her," he told her, gesturing to me.

"Of course. Is there anything specific you would like Daisy to make?" She asked, turning to me.

I gave her a warm smile. "No, thank you. I'm not picky."

The adorable little elf nodded. "Okay. Daisy will be right back!"

As she left, the man chuckled.

"Daisy is adorable," he laughed.

I nodded in agreement.

He sighed after a moment. "Do you recognize me yet?"

Seriously, where have I seen this guy? I feel like it's on the tip of my tongue...

"I'm afraid not," I informed him, as politely as one could when telling someone they don't recognize them.

He was silent for a couple minutes, as if he was waiting for a drum roll.

"My name-" he started when Daisy came back with a tray of food.

She set it on a table in front of me. "Does this look good, miss?"

Fish and chips. Delicious. "Yes, it does! Thank you, Daisy."

The little elf beamed. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask Daisy!"

I smiled as she left.

Fish and chips with grapes and water. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started eating. I was ravenous.

The man sat and watched me- rather creepily, I might add- while I ate. He didn't say anything. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

After a few minutes I was finished. The man rang the same bell and Daisy came in. She took the tray away gracefully.

"As I was saying before your meal arrived, my name is Regulus Black."

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