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Did... did I hear that correctly? Did he just say that his name is Regulus Black, my uncle that is supposedly dead?

"Yes, you heard me correctly," he stated, almost as if he had sensed my thoughts. I guess my face conveyed my confusion.

"So... so you're my," I paused, unsure, "uncle?"

"Yes, indeed I am."

Wow... okay.

"But everyone thinks you're dead..." I trailed off.

He looked to the ground, as if he was expecting this but couldn't help the pain and shame he felt.

"I'm a coward," he muttered, still not looking at me.

I was silent, waiting for him to go on. What can I say anyway?

Finally, he sighed and continued, "I faked my own death. Before I thought of the potential consequences I, myself, would face, I stole the Dark Lord's locket.

"After I had realized what I had done, I thought it best to fake my own death. I entrusted the locket to Kreacher, my family's house elf.

"As for why I faked my death, I was scared of what the Dark Lord would do to me. I was scared of the torture he would ensure I endured.

"I told no one of my plan. Not Kreacher, not even my mother, nor my brother.

"After I faked my death, I formed this... this underground. It's a safe haven for anyone Voldemort is trying to track down and kill or torture. We do nothing against the law here.

"I suppose some of the former Death Eaters that are here still haven't lost their malice, made clear by Braxton and McClure's harsh treatment of you.

"I have informants that keep me updated on the happenings in our world. They told me when my brother was imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit- I suspected he didn't do so and then it was proved that he didn't. They also kept me updated on my only niece. Your progress in school and such. I've been trying to find a way to bring you here so you can finally tell your father that I am alive," he finally stopped.

This is a lot of information to take in. He faked his own death? He has informants? This is an underground?

I stayed silent for a long moment, digesting and comprehending all of this new information.

"What is this message you want me to tell my dad?" I finally asked.

His face brightened, if only a small bit. "I have a letter," he informed me.

I nodded as I replied, "Okay."

"A different set of men will accompany you back to London. This time they will not blindfold you, so you can see how to get here in case you ever need me. I'll send men to get your father's response in two weeks. Please, have him write his reply in a letter."

I nodded. Great, more information to remember.

"Would you like to sleep here or be returned to your flat?" He asked, after a slight pause. He seemed hesitant to ask me if I wanted to sleep here for the night.

"I'll stay here for the night. I'm quite tired," I replied with a small smile.

His face brightened immensely. "Wonderful! I'll have one of the house elves show you to a room."

My smile got a bit bigger at how excited he was.

"Paisy!" He called in a gentle voice.

Almost immediately, a house elf appeared. "Yes, Master Black?"

He smiled at her.

"Could you please escort Miss Black here to a bedroom?" He asked, gesturing towards me.

"Of course!" Paisy exclaimed.

She turned towards me. "If you'll follow Paisy, Paisy will show you to a room," she squeaked.

I stood up. "Goodnight, Uncle Regulus. Sleep well," I said politely. I mean, c'mon I just found out that he's alive. I'm not exactly comfortable around him yet.

"And the same to you, dear niece," he replied.

I turned to follow Paisy. She led me through hall after hall, before finally stopping in front of a colossal door.

She opened it, with surprising ease considering the door's size. She stepped back, still holding it open to allow me to enter.

The room I was greeted with was plain, with only a bed and a single trunk. Nothing adorned the walls; there were no rugs to cover the hard wood floors.

It smelled a bit musty, but in a pleasant way. Like old books. Maybe I'm just weird, but I'm kinda loving the smell...

"Thank you, Paisy," I said, turning back towards her.

She grinned and nodded before snapping her fingers, making a set of clearly oversized pajamas appear on the bed.

When I turned back towards the door from looking at the bed and pajamas, Paisy was already gone.

I looked around the room, still a bit uneasy.

I stayed where I was, crossing my arms in an attempt to comfort myself.

Finally, I moved towards the bed.
Knock, knock.

Knock, knock.

I groaned as I opened my eyes.

The door opened and revealed a very cheery looking Paisy.

"Master requests your presence at breakfast in ten minutes," she informed me.

"Also, here's your wand. Mister Braxton gave it to Master," she said in a sweet voice, timidly holding my wand out towards me.

Oh, I didn't realize I had gotten out of bed.

"Thank you," I whispered, staring at my wand as I took it.

How had I forgotten that I didn't have it on me?

Sighing, I transfigured my pajamas into a plain shirt and jeans. I put my Vans back on and used magic to fix my hair. Thank Merlin I didn't put on makeup yesterday.

Was it really only yesterday that I was kidnapped?

Well, not kidnapped. But still, was it only yesterday that I found out that Regulus Black is alive and running an underground?

I suppose so.

Paisy came again to escort me to what I assume is the dining room.

I took a deep breath before she opened the door. Am I going to be met with a room full of former Death Eaters and people assumed to be dead, or is it going to be just me and Regulus?

She opened the door.

Awakening (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now