A Night to Certainly Remember

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A few days later it was time for the village get together and everybot in the village was abuzz with excitement for it. Especially Light with her performance during the gala. The past few days she constantly worked on memorizing the song she wanted to sing and she felt more than ready to make her debut to the entire community. As everybot in the house was trying to get ready to go Light was having a difficult choice of deciding which gown to wear, though to be quite fair the gowns she had were.... not the best to wear to something like this. Continuing to ponder Ratchet knocked on her door and stepped inside. "Light, are you ready to go? We have to leave early so that you can meet with Ultra Magnus." Seeing her still not dressed he sighed a bit. "Still having trouble deciding what to wear?"

Looking at Ratchet she nodded in agreement. "I'm afraid so. Everything I've got is either too plain or not appropriate for something as important for this. I don't know what to do, Ratchet. I know that we need to leave but without anything to wear everything I've been working hard for will be for nothing."

Understanding her plight and knowing that she wanted to do everything she could to make this work Ratchet knew that what he had up his sleeve would be able to help soothe her troubles. Softly smiling he pulled out a box that he had behind his back and presented it to her. "Perhaps this will be able to solve your dressing dilemma."

Quickly surprised by that Light took the box from him and set it down on her berth, quickly guessing at what might be inside. Lifting off the top she gasped at seeing the gorgeous blue and black dress that was folded inside, along with the matching choker collar and the double rose helmpiece. Lifting it out she absolutely loved the rich fabric and the beautiful elegance that it held. Feeling truly touched by Ratchet's thoughtfulness she set it down then quickly went over and gave him a grateful hug. "Oh Ratchet, thank you! Thank you so much! This truly means more to me than you can ever know!"

Satisfied that she truly loved her gift Ratchet hugged her back and smiled. "You're quite welcome, Light. I knew that you needed something that would help everyone see the beautiful femme that you are in your spark." Giving her a squeeze he pulled back so that he could leave. "Now hurry up and get ready. We can't be late meeting with Ultra Magnus."

Nodding in agreement Light turned her attention back to her new gown while Ratchet took his leave and checked with the others to see if they were ready. A short time later as the other mechs were ready to go Light emerged from her room and coming out to meet them they all gaped in surprise at how she looked. Beaming in pride at how wonderful she looked Ratchet walked up to her and smiled happily. "You look absolutely stunning, Light. I swear if you're not turning helms tonight I'm sure that your song will."

Blushing a bit Light smiled and looked herself over once then up at Ratchet. "Oh, thank you. Though it's something I don't usually wear I feel truly amazing in this. Thank you again for getting it for me, Ratchet."

"Well, it wasn't just him that got it for you." Deciding to reveal the truth Optimus walked over and took her hand as he gently smiled. "We all decided to pitch in and get it for you. We know how much this is important to you and we all want you to succeed." He then looked at the other three mechs. "Right?"

The others nodding in agreement Bee was about to crack a joke about it but was promptly smacked by Prowl before he could, making Bee a bit short-tempered and grumble a bit. Surprised to know that Light gratefully smiled as she felt a few tears of coolant begin to bead in her optics. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, everyone! That really means a lot that you believe in me and want to help me succeed!"

Giving Prowl a silent thank you for that Ratchet crossed Light's arm with his and led everyone to the door. "Indeed. After all, family helps family no matter what. Now, we have to go! If we're late Magnus is going to have our helms for delaying things!" Heading out with the others in tow he lead the way to the village square where all of Light's hard work would finally pay off.

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