A Gift From the Heart [Izuku x Itsuka] (Christmas Special)

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"Midoriya? Aren't you coming with us?" Iida asked as he and Uraraka were waiting at the door in their coats and scarfs wrapped around their necks. "Ah! Sorry Iida, i. But I was asked to help out afterschool by the teachers. Sorry." Izuku said as he packed his things away and zipped his bag shut.

"Very well then. Do try to make it to the station before the weather gets worse." "See you Deku. Stay warm when you leave." With that said, Ochako and Iida left the building as Izuku saw them leave from the window as it was partially covered with ice and snow. Izuku then went to the closet in the back of the room and grabbed the cleaning supplies.

"Alright, lets do this." Izuku said as to pump himself up for work as he started sweeping the floors and cleaning the chalk boards. Then proceding to clean the desk of the entire class and wax the floors. A knock soon heard from the class door as Izuku looked back to see a bear-dog-mouse creature standing outside the door.

"How's the work treating you Midoriya? I hope it's not much of a bother for you." Izuku smiled as he put away the broom and mop. "Nah. It's fine Principle Nedzu. I honestly don't mind and could really use the money." Izuku said as the mouse-bear creature, known as Nedzu, smiled a bit and let out a hardy chuckle.

"Sorry again for asking you to do this sort of work. Our custodian had to leave early for the holidays and we didn't have any volunteers willing to clean the school." Nedzu said as Izuku grabbed more cleaning supplies and headed to the next class nextdoor. "Well it's the holidays coming soon, what can you do."

"True. But why take this part-time job? Wouldn't you rather be spending your days before the break with friends or family?" Nedzu said as Izuku gave a dry chuckle at his questions. "Well, during this time of year, I'm always working for different places. And my mom gets busy during this time due to her work in the hospitals so I don't see her as much."

He opened the door to class 1-B and looked back at Nedzu. "Besides, in the end of it all. It's what I do with the money that makes all the hard work pay off." Nedzu couldn't help but smile at his response and sighed. "You know Midoriya, I feel like you're too kind hearted for your own good. Well then. I leave you to your work."

Nedzu walked down the halls, further escaping Midoriya's sight as he couldn't help but think why he needs money during this time of year. Conciderably a lot of money at that. "Alright, well at least it looks a bit clean than class 1-A." Izuku said to himself as he noticed the floors dusted and the chalkboard partially cleaned. "Hmm?" Izuku then noticed a notebook left on a desk and looked at it.

He turned to the front page and it had the name. "'Property of Itsuka Kendou'. Oh, its hers. Better leave it here incase she comes back for it." Izuku said as he continued on with his cleaning and proceded onwards after he had finished. "Two down. Only twenty-three more rooms to go." Izuku said as he shut the door to class 1-B and headed for the next class.


"A Christmas Party before break?" Some of the girls from class 1-A said as they were all together at a café with the girls of class 1-B. An orange haired girl with a side ponytail smiled at their reaction. "Yeah! I figured why not spend some of our class time with a party. Even Momo agreed with it." "Itsuka!" The girl, now known as Itsuka laughed at Momo's embaressed look as the others laughed a bit.

"Well I'm up for a party anytime!" Mina said as she pumped her fist in the air as some of the others cheered for approval. "Alright, then we should decide if we're gonna do a gift exchange and-" Itsuka said as she tried to reach for a notebook in her bag she had ideas of, but found it missing. "Damn it."

"Whats wrong Kendou?" Ibara, one of Itsuka's closest friends asked as Itsuka stood up. "Sorry, but I think I left my notebook back in class. I'll go get it and show you guys." She said as she dashed out of the café and hurried to UA in hopes her notebook was still there. "Should we have gone with her? The snow's starting to fall faster." Jirou said as the streets were covered in a blanket of ice and snow as even large pieces of snow began falling off of tree brances.

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