Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Not everyone in this world is lucky to have super rich parents that buy you everything you want. Most of us are lucky enough to have a roof , 3 meals and enough clothes to survive. And the fact that you live in a country where the outside world, at least most of them, don't know exists.And, that is not it! The country to be a third-world  and a WAR-ZONED one! So, yeah , lucky enough!

I wouldn't say that living here, in Yemen, was a torture or I had super rich parents or super poor ones! No, we had enough to survive. We had enough to not sleep at night hungry. We had enough to have breakfast in the morning. We had enough. But that's it.Enough.

I thank my parents for that. I mean, I wouldn't have been able to finish grad school if they had said that i had to manage the fees by myself. I tried. At least. But , getting a job here is as hard as sleeping without a blanket at freezing temperatures. Though I have not finished it yet. I still have this year until I graduate. Hopefully without any difficulties. Financially.

My story isn't all roses and flowers. It is filled with lots of crying, shouting, betrayals, love stories,fan-girling and whatnot. 

My Dad, is a teacher/Professor at a local private school and at my University! While my Mom works at the National Carrier Airline of the country. And she isn't an air-hostess! She works in the Administration Department as the HR Manager and Outside Stations Manager. And don't even ask me what it is. I have no clue.

While me, I am Sara, currently 22 years old ( cue Taylor Swift's 22) , in my 4th and last year of grad school. Studying Information Technology. Single AF! Never had a boyfriend my whole life. Sad I know, but who cares?! Music is my life! Though my parents very much dislike this trait of me, it is part of who I am. I don't have an specific genre of the music I listen to. If I like something, I like it! My favourite artist is ZAYN! I mean c'mon, who doesn't like him?! And yes, I do love One Direction too!

I have been part of the fandom for the past 6 years! And hell I miss them!

I love other artists too! But then, it will be a long ass list, and no one is free to read them all.

I love reading books, writing , roller-skating, swimming , basket-ball and photography! These are a few of my hobbies!

I m obsessed with collecting magazine advertisements. So I have a box filled with it! It mostly contains perfumes, watches and makeup products! 

I also have a bucket list of the places i would like to see, and the people I would like to meet and stuff I want to do.

I don't have many friends , a good amount! No best friends though. Well, let's just say that , my best friend is no longer mine anymore. And the funny thing is I even don't know the reason why she is upset with me! But yeah, I over it!

I have had a few people who I had the liberty of calling my best friend but I guess that luck was never on my side, or maybe I didn't deserve being close to anyone!

But on the bright side, I am super excited! After a week long vacation, I finally will resume classes tomorrow! Plus someone special's birthday is coming up next week!

See you all later!



So , yeah! This was the first chapter! its all about introductions! Obviously! 

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below! I love to know what ya'll think!

And please inspires me to write! And don't hesitate to send me DMs!


Z x


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Instagram : desi_zain , zingzolo

Snapchat : zainysphtm

Youtube : Zainysphtm

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