Sympathy for the Devil

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The next day, when Andy arrived at Runway, Miranda didn't even let her the time to remove her coat and called out for her.

'Andrea ?'

'Yes Miranda ?' Andy said as she walked in the editor's office.

'Close the door.'

The young woman did as she was told and she saw Emily starting to panic. The first assistant knew all too well that Miranda Priestly only closed the door when she was about to say something about one of her assistant.
But Andy was in her office so Miranda would be talking about her and she didn't like it at all.

'Sorry' Emily read on Andy's lips before she disappeared.

'Have you thought about my offer ?'

'I have indeed. All night long actually. But I have to say your daughter helped me take a decision.'

'What is your decision then ?'

'I'll go to Paris with you.'

'I'm glad to hear that.' Miranda said, that genuine smile on her face again. 'That's all, send Emily in so I can tell her.'

Andy turned to leave but stopped at the door.

'Why me ?' She asked almost whispering.

'I told you why Andrea.'

'There's something you're not telling me Miranda. You didn't choose me for my sense of fashion obviously and you know very well I could embarrass you there. Still, Emily stays here and I get to come. Why ?'

Miranda didn't answer. She didn't even look at her. In fact, she didn't know what to answer because she didn't know why herself. She just felt like she trusted Andrea more and if she was going to spend the whole week with her daughter, she wanted her best assistant to help.

'This is all going on a personal level isn't it ?' Miranda still didn't answer. 'I won't always be here Miranda... You know I'm leaving in a few months.'

'Don't. Even. Mention it.' Miranda said harshly.

Andy's tone was softer, like she was trying to comfort her boss.

'You'll be fine without me Miranda. I promise you-'

'-I said: don't mention it.'

The editor in chief was massaging her head as if this conversation was giving her a headache but Andy knew this was a sign that Miranda was pissed off. She didn't want her assistant to leave, she just wasn't ready.

Andy left without a word, wondering why her boss suddenly seemed so fussed about Andy's contract ending in four months.
She then sent Emily in only to see her bursting out of Miranda's office in a mess of tears a few minutes later.


'It always was you. From the moment I saw you I knew you would be the favorite. I worked my ass off for that week but okay ! Go have fun in Paris !'

With that she left. And for the next month, Emily barely said a word to her colleague. But Andy found herself not caring that much. It surprised her at first that she felt so little concern about Emily ; she really wanted to be her friend. But she ended up realising that Miranda and her daughter's happiness was all that mattered. So she was going to help both Miranda and Athena the best she could and try to enjoy her week.

But how could she be so stupid and actually think this week would be enjoyable ? This week was all but fun and though Paris was beautiful, she wondered why made Emily craved so much for it.
There I was, afraid of spending time alone with Miranda... Andy often thought to herself. She was actually spending her days following her boss like a dog and almost never got to say a word.

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