Up again

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Hours later Athena was fast asleep and her mother couldn't help but smile. Though she was in a bad state, her daughter was still beautiful and Miranda was amazed by how peaceful she looked in her arms. It had been years since Athena looked that calm. Actually, Miranda couldn't quite remember the last time: Athena surely was a child then. And she was still a child, her little child. She loved her more than anything and it was time to catch back on all those years of cold distance and hatred. Yes, Miranda would make it up to her daughter.

Unfortunately she couldn't stay with her for the night. She needed to rest anyway and watching Athena sleep wouldn't help. The editor had to go to work early the next morning but then all of her meetings and professional trips would have to wait until Athena came back home: her team would take care of it all. And though Emily was her first assistant, she trusted more Nigel and Andrea to be in charge. Anyway, Miranda was determined to put her daughter first. No matter how important her career was, Athena was more important than anything else, even the Fashion Week that was approaching.

Thus Miranda came back to the hospital everyday, supporting her daughter and slowly recreating a bond that had been broken for too long. Andy came everyday too and most of the time, both women came at the same time. These were the moments Athena felt more supported and loved than she had ever been before and she was immensely grateful for Andy to have brought the fire back within her. Each day her will to fight this freaking disease grew stronger and her body responded well to this will. Within a week, Athena had gained 7 lbs, which was a lot for her. The doctors had said she would be able to go home when she reached 90 lbs which meant that if she kept the pace, she would be out in a month.

Miranda was proud of her daughter and so was Andy. She felt like her mission had been fulfilled: her boss and the girl were starting to have a real mother/daughter relationship and Athena was getting better. Each time she came to see her with Miranda, she couldn't help but smile at the two Priestly women. Her heart ached with happiness and love for them, making her forget about all of her problems.

What was the most pleasurable to see was Miranda's smile. More than aching, the assistant's heart actually stopped beating when her boss smiled. She was so utterly beautiful, how could Andrea not be in love with her ? She was the perfection itself and had she any flaws, they would be perfect to Andy anyway. She loved her, she loved Athena and she hoped that one day she would have the guts to tell them. Until then, she kept doing what she knew best: being Miranda's work and personal assistant. And these days, she wasn't lacking of work. Sure Nigel and Emily were quite busy too but she certainly was the one to put the biggest effort. And her boss knew that, which gave her some ideas.

One day, after both of them had gone to visit Athena, Miranda decided to have a little talk with her assistant.

'Would you mind accompany me home Andrea ? There's something I would like to discuss with you'

'Uh... yes sure !'

'Very well.'

So Roy drove them both to Miranda's townhouse and none of them talked until they arrived. Andy was starting to panic as she had absolutely no idea of what was about to come.

'Please come in.' Miranda said holding the door to let Andy enter the house first. 'Would you like something to drink ?' She asked while walking towards the kitchen.

'Your husband isn't here ?' Andy asked not paying attention to the editor's question.

'Where do you think he is at that time of the evening Andrea ?'

The younger woman closed her eyes in pain and disgust. She wanted to think Stephen was working but she wasn't naive, it was clear he cheated on his wife and Miranda was well aware of it. You don't deserve this Miranda... Andy thought.

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