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"Hey, Chan, do you think you could tell me where Sejun's dorm is?" Eunjae said, sliding into a seat next to her friend. Chan glanced over at her from his laptop and raised his eyebrows,

"Why?" He asked, extremely confused.

"Can you just tell me? It doesn't really matter why." Chan's confused gaze lingered for a few seconds more before turning back his laptop, almost like he was ignoring her. "Chan please," Chan waved his hand as if to say "I'll tell you in a second," Eunjae huffed. Chan pointed to the person approaching the front desk. "You can be patient for a second, right?" Eunjae sighed, a lot louder than she intended and nodded

"What do you need, Hanse?" Chan asked the boy who had approached the desk. "How do I politely kick out my roommate?" Chan laughed, so did Eunjae. "You want to kick out Byungchan, he can't be that bad,"

"He's not, for most people, for me he is though." Hanse said "He's too... happy," Chan snorted before smiling apologetically at Hanse

"He's too happy? That's excellent, you need someone like that. Brighten you up a bit, bring out the Hanse that people usually only see when you're drunk." Hanse glared at Chan

"You saw me drunk once, it was a good day okay? Of course I'm going to be happy. Getting full marks on an exam deserves that kind of celebration." Hanse retorted, Chan gave him a look and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, if you say so."

"So, can you help me?" Hanse asked again; Chan shook his head, causing Hanse to frown.

"I can't move a person for being 'too happy', you just have to deal with him." Chan explained "Besides, you chose him because he seemed bright - you wanted someone to brighten up your dull life." Hanse snruched up his nose and snorted.

"And I've decided I don't want that anymore... but - since you're so insistent, I guess he can stay." Hanse muttered, "I should probably go apologise and tell him he can go back inside. I kinda got really upset with him and told him to get lost."

"You haven't been having a good day," Eunjae replied, Hanse hummed in reply. "Just go apologise, and if he doesn't accept your apology you can come and get Chan to help - he's good at fixing disputes between roommates." Hanse gave both them a small smile.

"Okay, will do, thanks. Time to go promise I won't be a little shithead and get so angry next time." Hanse took his leave and Eunjae then immediately turned to Chan, giving him a sharp look.

"Right, Sejun's dorm. I'm assuming you don't want to me to take you there? You want to go yourself," Chan rose his eyebrows questioningly, Eunjae nodded. "Well that's unfortunate, I wouldn't have minded seeing Subin again." Eunjae sighed as she noticed her friend becoming awfully doe eyed, Chan was grinning widely

"Chan, calm down your gay ass for a second and just tell me." Chan's face fell as he collected himself again. "Better,"

"Fourth floor, room 405. You shouldn't have any troubles getting there." Chan pulled up a map on his laptop, circling the cursor around the room.

"Wasn't that Seungwoo and Seungsik's room last year? Did they move or something?" Eunjae squinted at the room, swearing that it wasn't free before - it's not like Seungwoo or Seungsik have graduated. "That's right, it was - they moved out and onto the first floor because apparently the elevators make Seungwoo late for his classes but that's probably just his own fault." Chan laughed, Eunjae rolled her eyes; she was expecting a little bit mre responsibility from one of the university's smartest students.

"Okay, thanks, I'll be back down later - you had an assignment you wanted help with right? I'll explain what I'm doing then. Bye," Eunjae said before dashing over to the elevator, Chan yelled something that she couldn't quite hear in her rush.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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