Ch 2(What the hell is wrong with that icewing?!)

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Luna's pov~

Me and Nova had gone separate ways, I was currently in my cave where I was sharing with a Sandwing and Ice wing, I growled Icewings think their so superior, idiots, I heard talon steps and cursing, I tilted head slightly to see a Sandwing looking at me curiously "Hi" he said, "Hey" I said back not taking any knowledge of his existence, he walked up to me and sat down "The names Qibli, what's yours?" He asked, I frowned a bit, No, I shouldn't be rude, this is my first day anyways I thought "The names Luna, Qibli" I said, and smiled a bit, he grinned and then suddenly an icewing came in, "Hey there Winter!" Qibli said to the supposed Icewing called Winter, he frowned "Hi" he muttered, I glared at him Why the hell is he so frustrated? I thought "What was that? I couldn't hear it over your grumbling" I mocked while he glared "Keep your mouth shut nightwing" he said, I gave him one of my death glares "I am a hybrid thank you very much! And not only that you have no right to speak to any dragon like that!" I argued, "Ok guys! Relax! Let's just go to the prey center so we can all chill, heh get it? Since Winters a icewing" he smiled, I laughed "Nice one" I said as I nudged his shoulder, he smiled. We walked off to the prey center, of course we got some strange looks since a small group of an icewing, Sandwing and a hybrid was not normal to see everyday. When we finally reached, Qibli was the first to walk in and then me and lastly Winter, we saw a table where there was a seawing, Nightwing and Rainwing were sitting, wait a minute.... That rainwing looks Familiar..... Then it suddenly hit me "Kinka" I called, the rainwing turned her head to look at me, her eyes sparkled "Lulu!!" She screamed as she ran into me and hugged me halfway strangling me, "Kinka.. Can't breath" I gasped, she quickly let go "Sorry" she laughed, I smiled "You know eachother?" Qibli asked, I nodded "Of course she does" Winter muttered, I glared at him "Oh, and what about you anti-social freak?" I asked, he scowled "I know many dragons alright?!" He argued "Would you mind naming a few?!" I argued back "There's Icicle then my mom and dad, Queen Glacier, Snowstorm.. " he rambled "What I meant is beside your stuck up tribe" I shot at him, he growled "Icewings, if you should know are the best tribe in the world" he growled "Is that so? Cause all I see are some bastards who always look down at dragons who are trying to be nice to them!" I shouted, "Shut the hell up!" He shouted back "Why don't you shut the fuck up?!" I yelled, Kinka Quickly stepped in "Will you two get along? Let's just go sit down and eat something?" Kinka suggested, I rolled my eyes and as Winter passed by me I kept my tail in front so that he tripped, I chuckled "That's whatcha get for messing' with me Ice skater" I said as I walked up to the table where that nightwing and seawing were, Qibli and Kinka offered their talons to him but he simply swatted them away and got up himself and glared at me, I smirked "Bye snow sniffer! See ya round!!" I called as he stalked off, Qibli and Kinka joined the table "So Lulu and Qibli I want to introduce you to Moonwatcher or Moon for short and Turtle" Kinka introduced pointing a talon at everyone, Moon gave a nervous smile and Turtle waved a talon, I noticed the teardrop scales at the side of moons eyes Mindreader huh? I thought at her, she looked at me wide-eyed Your a mindreader as well? My head is hurting as hell! She thought at me Think of a quite place I thought all the other dragons thoughts will slip away she smiled and nodded, "Here" Moon said and passed me a mango "No thanks, I'm good I just came here with sand snorter since he insisted and Ice skater" I joked and handed Kinka the mango which she gladly munched, "What do you have against Winter by the way?" Turtle asked, I shrugged "I hate and I mean hate dragons with stuck up attitudes, and Qibli was just being nice while that bastard grumbled" I replied, "Luna! Who taught you such language?!" Kinka asked horrified, I smirked "Learnt from the best" I replied, Qibli laughed that's when I realized he's been staring at Moon ever since we sat down, I nudged him "You like her don't you?" I asked playfully, that got his attention "I don't!!" He replied panicked, I laughed "Relax!! I was just joking!!" I laughed again, he frowned "Your annoying" he stated "Don't state the obvious Qibli" Kinka said, I made a pretend pouty face, "Hey!! I'm offended" I joked, all of them laughed
Maybe this won't be so bad after all

How was that? I found it adorable, but I'm not a fan of fluff I'll be honest. Comment and vote it you liked it #Moonbli4life

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