To live an abduction is a lot more than walking down the street and being deprived of freedom by a group of strangers that will ask for ransom for our freedom. It is feeling all type of distress and torment in that captivity and, on occasions, not respecting the agreement.
It is something we haven't analyzed, but that the majority has experienced in their homes since childhood. An abduction can also take place psychologically. Our parents, by lacking the preparation necessary for our education and dragging the deficiencies they lived in their own lives, manage to make us grow up being preys of an abduction in many ways.
Throughout the sections of this book, we address different points with simple language and everyday examples we may feel identified with. For example, we address the term known as emotional abduction, which is to deprive someone since childhood from expressing their emotions exactly as they feel them. It is an abduction to not let them be exactly who they are and there is no reason to suppress them.
The emotional abduction, because of being in a hurry, lack of organization, numerous commitments, excess work, among many other factors, has made us neglect our children's emotional element; to give them love and time more than money and material things. It is great that we work to provide for them, but the best thing we can give them is our quality presence.
The psychological abduction is when we compare our children with other people, when we make them feel useless, when we want to make them understand something by shouting and hitting instead of being patient with them, or when we put them in the middle of a quarrel among adults. It is simply to make them experience situations that will be reflected when they become adults.
It is not allowing them to express themselves, to choose freely without judging them, to not support them, to shout at them, to not give them quality time, to not attend to their emotional needs, and to not educate them in charity and in being humane.
It is to abandon the elderly, to mistreat them, to encourage an abortion just because of what society may say, making others sacrifice their happiness for the same reason; and to not bless our own life, looking down at ourselves, and neglecting our body and health.
Likewise, to promote violence, to fall into vices by not wanting to face reality, and all those things we do that don't allow us to enjoy life completely; each and every one of them are an abduction.
Everyone's apparent acts of rebellion are nothing more than a cry for help in order to be happy and to let our loved ones live happy while we learn to do so.
It is time we reprogram ourselves, leaving all our loved ones' faults aside and learning from the good things they do.
We don't lack anything from the world, but we live in constant disagreement, as we don't know how to enjoy nature's goodness and life's virtues.
We don't appreciate any of the things that surround us or any of the blessings we have, like being alive and able to breathe one more day. We won't be able to be happy and will live an eternal abduction, caused by us, as we have chained our feelings to a material world guided by the false society and the constant disapproval of others.
We must learn to be responsible for our actions and live in harmony, love, and mainly charity, and to teach and live the values the Father has taught us and thank him for all the goodness we have, especially our life.
Children and life are not things that should be taken lightly. We must take care of both of them and give them attention and quality time. Our body is the most valuable thing we have and we live hurting it on most occasions.
The Great Family Abduction
SpiritualParenting is not easy, being a son is not either, living in a world that is so fast paced. The Great family Abduction tell us of all these shortcomings and difficulties, which the human being goes throughout life, in its various stages. From those...