Prologue: Never What You Think

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Never What You Think

As I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling, I can't help but wonder, "why zombies?" Of all the things for people to become obsessed over, it had to be zombies. Fast zombies, slow zombies. There were books about them, movies, songs, video games.

But, no matter what was done with the zombie stories, there was always one similarity. The story was always told from a survivor's point of view. Whenever we thought the zombie apocalypse, we thought of ourselves as one of them. A survivor. Maybe even one of the guys who takes charge and leads others to safety. Or that guy who makes a valiant last stand so their friends and family can escape, only to fall to sheer weight of numbers. Maybe we get lucky and get to have hot sex with the sexiest person in the group who would never have so much as looked at us prior to the apocalypse.

Of course, in order to do any of that, you have to be one of the lucky few who survives the initial outbreak, one of those people who is somehow resistant to whatever the initial transmission mechanic is, which is usually some sort of virus. You probably won't be.

I raise my arm over my head and study the scar there. A semicircle of indentations, I remember when I got it. I think. I was one of those lucky ones who didn't get sick and die right away.

That luck didn't last long.

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