If I Could

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"Jake!" Mom said yelling to wake me up, "Yes" I reply in a tired voice "Time for school Jakey." My 4 year old sister said coming in my room to jump on my bed
As she jumps and hugs me tight I manage to smile, she always makes me truly deeply happy "Hey sweetie I gotta get up" I say softly lifting her up and spinning her around the room. "Jake You up" Dad calls. "You bet" I seem to instantly get up with Kyra in my arms "Dressed for school?" I asked Kyra "No I need help picking out my clothes Jakey" She places her hand griping her Hand on my shirt and pulling me towards her room to help her "Slow down kiddo!" I say laughing "See the Blue Onesie or pink?" She asked pointing at two Dino onesies, "What about the one mom got you? The green one" I say questioning her. She looks down as if she knew why me and mom always fought... "Cheer up silly girl! The pink one my little princess " I say rubbing her head like a dog. "Okay!!!" She jumps to her onesie and grabs it while running to the bathroom, "Don't be in there  all day." I call out to her. I get no reply so I go back to my room and get changed into Dark blue ripped jeans and a white t shirt. "JAKE HURRY UP!" Mom screams at me "Literally 6:50 it's not even close to 8 yet" I say yelling back in confusion. "I don't care hurry up" she yells "Okay chill" I say annoyed while grabbing my phone I go and knock on the door "Sis you in there?"  I get no answer "Sis" I start to hear crying, it alarms me quick I rush and try to break the door over and over again "Jakey!" She screams in fear "Kyra what's going on" my dad comes up "Jake what's wrong " he says to me " I don't know" I reply still trying to get the door open then finally it opened I see Kyra slipped and fell hit her head there's blood everywhere I rush to her in second snapping back to reality I pick her up and rush her downstairs and out the door to the car "I forgot the keys shit" I say then running back in while my dad rushes in with me "Hurry dad" I start to tear up my sister is everything to me I'd be nothing if I lost her. We finally got the keys which felt like forever which made me panic mode especially with Aniexty it's worse as I rush to the emergency doors I hear the crying start to slow down "Don't you give up on me" I say crying I take her to a room and the doctors rush me out of there quick as I sit in her blood wiping her blood on my face trying to wipe my tears my dad looks at me "I love you" he says crying and crying, it hurts to see him in pain my dad the strongest person I know crying "Dad there's hope" he looks at me and cracks a fake smile and hugs me
I wake up to the sound of nothing no anything I get ready for school feeling nothing I don't care if I came to school naked or not it doesn't matter to me anymore "Jake" Dad calls. I don't answer and go down the stairs I look at him and hug him with a fake smile he always thinks it real "Morning Jake" he says smiling but still sadness is around his body I can see it in his eyes "Morning Dad" I hug him once again while grabbing coffee, taking short sips as the steam goes into no where but air "Dad?" I call him weakly "Yes son?"  He says while putting on shoes getting ready for work "I love you" he looks over and smiles strong "I love you too" he smiles bright and puts on the other shoe "Be safe" I said as he goes to work "You too" he says then shuts the door" I start to get ready but I hear my twin brother Leo come down stairs "Brother" he says greeting me "Brother" I say back still weak "I'm meeting Jenny" he says blushing Of course his girlfriend "Alright" I say getting mad and mad and madder each second. he leaves finally the house is left silent but the hope of Kyra watching over us... "Kyra I'm sorry I haven't been doing my best like you said I would be" I say up to the sky a tear falls down my face as I turn cold hearted from there, things changed.

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