Chapter I

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After a few private comments from close friends that the cursing was excessive and not needed, I will stop the cursing unless absolutely mandatory. I might want to look through this text, but I'll do it later. Give way to Chapter 1!


I turned back, and twisted to the way the cloak had appeared. I blinked my eyes in a steady fashion. The cloak was gone now without a trace, but I swore I had saw it. I questioned about it in my brain, as I tried to imagine ways it could have disappeared but I knew it was to no use because it shall probably come back.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps, heading right towards me. I didn't see anything because it was raining hard on me and fog filled the sky quickly. I felt inside my body hundreds of footsteps surrounding me slowly, possibly to torture me with the crude feeling of fear. I closed my eyes, then think and reopen them. I still can only see about a stone's throw away from me, and my heart starts beating quickly without end. I take my pulse and realize that I am very scared right now. I try my best to calm down while I can. I put my hand over my heart and try slowing down my heartbeat. I have a feeling the footsteps are not moving forward, but possibly just trying to strengthen my fear by stomping on the ground.

As fast as can be, an elf-like person just appeared and started examining me, poking me in random places and using these weird materials of all shapes and sizes to possibly "check" me of anything dangerous. Then this elf-like person spoke to me, more of a whisper, but also stern, similar to an order.

"Come follow me! I have a very important thing to tell you. Come over here!"

As fast as he spoke, he started waddling towards a warehouse, quite big in my day and time. I didn't know yet to trust him or not, so I watched him waddle across the dusty street and I see him disappear into the big warehouse. He started to mumble and by now, I was quite curious about what he is mumbling about, so I crept closer to the warehouse, trying to take soft steps with my heels.

The gravel and sand underneath me was very hard, and even though I tried my best to be quiet, the elf heard me and came out of the warehouse, stroking his beard as he continued the poking and examining process, which seemed weird to me because I thought he already trusted me.

I still didn't trust him, because of his weird actions. He seemed to confirm I was just a regular person, because he started to walk away from me, not towards the warehouse this time, but away from me probably. Not anymore waddling, he sank his body and started lurching back from me. Then, he turned and he ran like a cheetah. By the minute, he was gone and all there was left of him was a pile of dust, a trail reaching for miles I would say.

I drooped my head and started back to my shelter, when a shiny, sharp piece of metal became pointed at my neck. I shivered all over with fear, and I looked to the left, where the metal was pointed, and with horror saw that the piece of metal was not just a pointed piece of metal, but actually a sharp sword. A man was pointing a sharp sword with a similar insignia on it, one that I had seen before. He angled it at a unnerving angle and talked with a sharp accent, feeling exactly like the sword he was holding in his pale, white hand. He sharply grabbed at me and angled the sword right on my neck, the sword shining imperial gold.

He spoke to me in a sharp voice that pierced the air like steel.

"Who are you to set a foot inside the Kingdom of Light? Troops!"

Merely seconds after he spoke, a squad of troops came up to him and asked for orders. He spoke even louder this time possibly blocking my ears.

"Tie this intruder up! Take him to prison A-D673 and take him to cell #129847! Torture this heap of rats till he says something! NOW!"

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