Prologue - Bloody Knuckles and Bruised Egos

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Prologue - Bloody Knuckles and Bruised Egos

Blythe always found herself crying when someone pissed her off, however that didn't stop the girl from beating the shit out of them as she bawled, it only meant she might have to take a moment to wipe her eyes so she could see who she was swinging at. This very moment wasn't any different for the girl.

Blaise was far calmer than his sister, though he had to admit the girl threw rather disastrous blows in that state, however his were far more calculating. Granted it didn't take much. Every few seconds if he didn't feel his sister back against his he'd glance behind himself and most times see Blythe a few feet behind him holding her own against whatever they got in a fight with this time.

Today it was a few mediocre jocks, mostly fellow ninth graders, behind the school building. Nothing particularly troublesome for the pair- considering they get in fights just about everyday a couple of jocks their own age wasn't actually a problem. Usually they end up fighting some mean kid in the upper grades of the high school that decided it was okay to pick on their older siblings.

Blythe despite her reckless was a rather elegant fighter, with years of gymnastic and cheer under her belt the girl was easily able to throw in a few flips and the like into her fights. Though the girl had to admit doing parkour might help her more but she shrugged it off as she landed a hit on a boy that was a bit taller than her. Though it wasn't hard to be taller than her. The girl wasn't even 5ft.

Blythe was ripped from her thoughts once more at the very loud and sudden slamming of the back door of the school and a very loud and very angry principle that caused everyone of them to stop. "What do you think you are all doing!" He screamed before gesturing into the building. "My office now, all of you." He states with narrowed as he watched the group of pre-teens glumly following him to his office.

Blaise growled under his breath as he narrowed his eyes kicking the ground hard once before following after the principle. The man said nothing as he glanced at Blythe but he did give off a warning vibe that caused Blythe to grab her sibling by the arm not trusting the boy not to get them into any further trouble.

With only a week or two of school left, it wasn't like it was a huge deal in that way, however what their parents would say would be a different story. The twins' mother had lectured them numerous times and their saving grace was the fact that many of their fights were for their 'older siblings honor' as they would say. This fight one the other hand was not for someone else but for themselves- granted the pair saw this as self defence as they were and have been harassed by this group in their class- they felt like the adults wouldn't see it that way.

Blaise swung an arm over his sister's shoulders as she sniffled slightly, wiping the grime and tears of her face. The girl's sweater was torn in many places and she had a few scraps and bruises but over the Blythe was fine much to Blaise's relief. He might have just swing another punch at the other boys if they hurt his sister too badly.

With a sigh the boy followed after the principle just about silently as he kept his eyes on the group of other boys, their were about five of them: Connor, Asher, Mathew, Nathan, and lastly their leader . The four other boys weren't that bad and Blaise used to hang out with them a bit until Draven transferred in, and combined with Blaise and Blythe getting into fights for their siblings all of a sudden they were treated like pariahs in their class due to Draven and their own violent nature. Funnily enough they were loved by the younger students and respected by the older kids. Their own class just couldn't seem to stand them however.

Following the principle they all stopped in front of his office. "Okay, you all sit down against the wall, don't fight, and don't talk. I need to call all of your parents and we'll talk then." He states pointing to the ground before walking into the office leaving the group of pre-teens to slowly slide to the ground as they glared at each other.

Blythe couldn't help but let out a sigh as she leaned her head up against the wall allowing the cold floor to cool her off. The girl had a few stinging cuts and sweat dripping down her body. The not moving and the cold nature of the hallway was doing a world of good for the girl as she slumped over to her side, leaning onto her brother who was giving the other boys sidelong glance as he had his arms propped up onto his knees.

How much time passed, none of them knew, but after quite a bit of time staring at the dim and almost eerie lights of the hallway and the dirty floors of the school, their parents finally began to trickle in within a ten minute period Blythe and Blaise couldn't help but miss the disappointed looks of their mom and dad as the couple passed. It seemed like no time at all when they were finally called into the office to give their sides of the story. Thankfully they weren't too contradicting- the only one that said anything truly different was ... and we all quickly dismissed his story.

Much to the twins' relief they all got off with a slap of the wrist and detention for the rest of the year. ... Got it a bit harder for twisting his story around, however. Getting out so easily might have been a blessing but Blythe also knew they were in for an earful as soon as they made it back into the car.

"I can't believe you two have the audacity to get into another fight." Their mother stated exasperatedly as she twisted around to look at her two children in the backseat. "What do you have to say for yourselves."

Blaise shrugs as they pull out of the school and with a mischievous grin the replies to his mother. "Well,' he trials off. "Considering I don't know what audacity means I don't think i have much to say."

Blythe immediately turns to her brother kicking him in the shins and she gives him a hard glare. "Don't be such a smartalec." She scolded with a frown. "It means the willingness to great risks anyway."

"oh," the boy shrugged. "Well it was pretty easy then." He stated as his sister let out a groan flopping into her seat.

The car ride from then on was rather silent, almost eerily so. It began to get onto Blythe's nerves. The tension stayed even past when they got home and the twins were sent to their rooms. Once again the twins found themselves waiting. They knew they were in trouble but how much, they didn't know. They avoided distracting themselves with their phones and instead attempted to do something that wouldn't get themselves into more trouble- sit on the floor and stare at the wall.

It didn't take long for them to get called down to the living room, thankfully their other siblings weren't home yet too snicker at them. With a sigh Blaise and Blythe made their way down nervously. Blaise led the way down the stair as he glanced at his sister before the found themselves in front of their parents. "Sit," Their mother told them sternly.

"Your mother and I have come to a decision." Their father states as he looks at his wife. "You two have gotten into far too much trouble recently to allow us to just let you lounge around the house all summer or let you roam around town." He explains referring to the past two summer's in which they were grounded the entire time and then to when their parents told them they weren't allowed to come inside until it starts to get dark and they kicked them out when they had to leave for work. "We are at the end of our patience and can't deal with it anymore and your mother's brother needs help at his shop out in the country, so he has agreed to take you guys for the summer if you help out and hopefully you'll learn your lesson."

The twins couldn't help but be taken aback, they were expecting yelling and punishments, not being sent away to some uncle who they didn't know. Now the siblings had no idea what the summer would hold for them but they could only hope it would end well.

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