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Jocelyn's Pov

I stayed quiet listening to Nataly talk. "Why are you quiet??? What did you and Mason do?" She asked. I kept my eyes on the road. "Nothing" I lied. I started to blink fast. "LIAR dont lie to me" She said. "I'm Not" "So your telling me you just walked with him saying nothing" she questioned. "No im just saying it's not important" I said. "How come you don't tell me anything?" Nataly said. "I do... its just not important" I said. She pouted and crossed her arms. "Awe C'mon dont get mad" I said looking at her in the corner of eye. "You wont tell me" She said. "Do you really want to know?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded. "Okay well.... He stole a Pennyboard. and we almost got caught" I said. She looked shocked. "You STOLE SOMETHING?" she screamed. "It was'nt me it was him!" I said. "Well still you could of got in a lot of cant do that what if our fans knew!?" She yelled. "But they didn't catch us" I said. "Still you cant be doing that" She said. "I'm not gosh" i said. "Okay that boy is a bad influence on you" she said. 

Days Later Christmas Eve

It's Christmas!!!! and it's cold. Like really cold. I had to make a fire outside in the fireplace. It doesn't even snow here but yeah. I went inside and stayed there. I haven't talked to Jon and I missed him. A lot... For what I've seen he moved on. Mason told me I should too. I saw my sister come out with my phone. "Jon's calling you" she said. I got my phone and answered.


"Hey" his voice....I missed him so much.

"What happened" I told him quietly.

"Well um I wanted to say Merry Christmas.." he said.

"Merry Christmas Jon..... is that all?" I asked him.

"Yeah -  No wait" He said. 

I stayed silent until he spoke. 

"I'm sorry....for what know i do love you right?"  He said.

"Yeah i know i'm sorry for flipping out on you" i said.  I looked at the fire in the fireplace. 

"Don't worry you had the right...I didnt talk to you all that time" He said. 

"So how havyou been?" I asked.

"I have been pretty bad....I missed you like crazy" He said then chuckling. 

"Iv'e missed you too" i told him. 

"Did you get the gift i sent you?" he asked. 

"Yeah but i havent opened it yet" i told him. It arrived yesterday in a little red gift box.

"Open it now" he said. 

I quickly went up to my room and got it out. I started to open it and saw what was side. I was a little necklace. It was gold and had a heart. It said I love you

"Do you like it?" Jon asked. 

"Oh my gosh yes its beautiful" i said. 

"I have the other part......Does this make us better now?" he said.

"Yeah...I have your christmas gift here so come back soon for i could give it to you" i told him. 

"Yeah i will bye Beautiful" 


Nataly's Pov

Guess where I'm at??? I am gonna go get me some chipotle. Cause chipotle is my life... I sat with my dad eating when i saw someone stare at me. She looked familiar some how. My dad left to the restroom and the girl walked over to me and sat n. "Can I help you?" I asked. She was glaring at me. "You bitch shut the hell up you better watch your back" she said whispering. She got up and threw my food away. "HEY!" i screamed. Everyone looked at me and i noticed she was already gone. 

I sat on the car waiting to arrive at my aunts house. I was hearing music when i got a notication. Jocelyn put a picture of a necklace Jon gave her. I liked it and closed my eyes. I couldnt getthat girl off my mind. She threw away my food! Who was she???? She did look familiar but i dont remeber. 

We got to my aunts house and i waved at my cousins. "Hey Nataly come meet my new girlfriend" My cousin said. walked to his house and saw her. "Her name is Barbra" He said. It was that girl! She was Aidan's ex!

I couldn't eat with her glaring at me. Why is she here? She's not a part of our family!! Looking at her face made me sick. I dont know what her deal is. This is Aidan's fault if he wouldn't have got with someone right away this wouldn't be happening. She kept on staring at me!! Oh my gosh....... I got up and went to my cousins room to charge my phone. This chick is crazy. I looked for the charger and saw it. I saw the lights go off. The power was dead. Thats weird..... I went outside and the other houses had that problem too. "But it's Christmas" i said. My phone wasn't charged at all. I remebered the charger for the car. "DAD!" i called out. He came and i told him. He looked for his keys but didn't find them. I looked inside the car and saw my dad's key. "Oh my gosh....this is the worst day ever" 

I had no internet. No phone. No nothing. I went to the couch and took a nap. 

I woke up when i was nine. I noticed the tree had nice color lights. The power was back!!!!!! I went to my mom and she said to get a chair from the attic. I got up and walked up to it. When i was gonna bring the chair back the attic door closed! I started banging the door but no one would hear! It was dark here!!! I started yelling for my mom or anyone but gave up in tem minutes. I was locked in the attic. The probably worst place i could be in. I saw a figure move in the corner of my eye. "Hello?" 

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