Demon's Christmas | Danti •Fluff•

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(A/n) Thank you so much Dapper_allie for requesting this :D Hope it doesn't suck!
Dark groaned, feeling a heavy weight on his back.

"Dark! Ye lazy fook, get up! Or else I'll drag yer arse out of bed!" Anti rolled off of Dark's back. It was December 24th, and Anti couldn't wait for this 'Christmas' Jack had told him about.

"If you want me to get out of bed and decorate for Christmas, it isn't happening." Dark pushed Anti off the bed, burying his head under his pillow to block out Anti's whining.

"Please Dark? I'll do whatever ya want!" Anti begged. Dark smirked under his pillow.

"Come lay with me." Dark instructed, putting his pillow back under his head. Anti obliged, crawling onto the bed next to the tired demon. Dark pulled the blanket over Anti.
"Go to sleep and I'll think about it." Dark yawned again.

"Okay Daddy Darky~" Anti purred, nuzzling into Dark's chest. Soft snores soon drifted from the Irish demon. Dark sighed and wrapped his arms around the smaller demon. He soon started to drift back to sleep.

"Just wait and see my little monster."

~Time skip brought to you by Dark singing Deck the Halls with a cracking voice~

Anti woke up a few hours later. He stretched and yawned. He glanced around the room, not sensing Dark. He glanced over to the bedstand, catching glimpse of a note.

As soon as you read this note, come downstairs. I know you'll enjoy what I've done.


Anti yawned again and slipped out of bed. (I yawned so many times trying to write that xD)
He slowly made his way to the door, resting his forehead on the cold wood before opening it. He opened the door slowly, wondering what Dark was up to.

He walked out of the room and down the hallway, smelling something delicious. He made his way into the living room, and immediately stopped. Soft red, green, blue, yellow, and white lights had been strung around the room, the fireplace had a warm fire in it, and finally Anti's eyes landed on the tree. Dark had gone and hauled in a fresh tree. Anti slowly walked over to the tree, his eyes widening as he took in the decorations.

"Wow.... It's amazing..." He whispered in awe. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, and a very cold chin rest against his neck.

"So, do you like it?" Dark asked Anti, slightly nervous about his opinion.

"I don't like it,..." Anti started, scaring Dark, "I FOOKING LOVE IT!!!!" Anti spun around and kissed Dark. Dark sighed and smiled.

"I'm glad." Dark pulled Anti in for another kiss. Anti chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around Dark's neck.

"Thank you so much Dark." Dark laughed.

"No problem. Now how about we have some eggnog?" Dark walked to the kitchen, grabbing two mugs off the table.

"I swear to the fooking devil. How much alcohol did you put in it?" Anti asked Dark, not wanting to drink it yet.

"Not nearly enough to kill us." Dark said. Anti laughed and took a sip.
In the background the clock ( clock kept auto correcting to cock. I gotta stop writing lemons) midnight. Dark and Anti smiled at each other.

"Merry Christmas Dark."

"Merry Christmas Anti"

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH *runs around flapping my sleeves* I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! Danti is like one of my favorite ships. Sorry if it sucks, I'm not very good at writing. ALSO I just thought of this,
I hope I got the right ship xD
Anyways, Hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm still taking requests :') and anyone who requested an OW (Overwatch) oneshot, be sure to check out my OW oneshot book!

Have an amazing day!
~The Lone Team

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