Chapter 1 - Just a Normal Day

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         I stare at the flesh eating creature before me, as it spits out bloody human remains from the dead man now lying lifelessly on the floor, and suddenly it begins to make a run toward me. I have no gun. I have no weapon at all to save myself. If I get bit, I turn into one of them. Then all of a sudden, the zombies head explodes right in front of my eyes as some of the blood splatters against my face, and it falls lifelessly to the ground.

     And then I set my gaze on the boy standing only feet away from me, the kid who just completely saved my life. His long dark shoulder length messy hair, big dark mysterious eyes, and muscular toned body, everything about him immediately draws me in. I find myself getting lost in his eyes when unexpectedly, he parts his lips.

But before he can say a word is when I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him in anger. "Who the fuck are you?"

His dark angry eyes widen at the tone of my voice. "Who the fuck am I?" He snaps, glaring back at me. 

"Well... yeah."

"I don't get a thank you? I just saved your goddamn life," The stranger growls at me as my jaw drops and I gasp.

"I could have taken care of it by myself," I sternly rush out as he quickly rolls his eyes, groaning under his breath as I frown in misery.

"Yeah. Yeah? Well it looked like to me it was going to tear you apart," he snarls as I release a sharp and fed up breath. "Wouldn't want to ruin your nails, or pretty face, would you?"

"Go to hell!" I shout in his face, darting forward and smacking the gun out of his hand. I quickly walk to the door so I can get back to my friends where they're waiting for me, when I hear him speak up from behind me.

"What's your name?"

I turn around briefly to glare at him. "What's it to you?"

"You're a girl. How did someone like you end up living for this long?" His tone is nothing but rude and ignorant, almost like he's judging me just because I'm a female. "I haven't ran into any girl survivers. It's shocking."

"I'm not just a girl," I softly let out in a mumble, shaking my head at him. "I'm a hunter."


        Blasting my ipod music into my ears to tune out the rest of the world, is what I like to do best. It not only sets me free, but it shuts everything and everyone else up, and gives me peace and silence. I gaze out the window with millions of thoughts rushing through my head, watching as the bright beautiful sun makes its way gracefully out from beneath the clouds. A gentle calm breeze blows in through the opened window from beside me, as I tap my fake black polished nails on my desk with the beat of the music blearing through my headphones.

   I throw my head side to side, letting myself relax by closing my eyes and releasing an annoyed sigh, as suddenly I jump from a harsh vibration in front of me. My eyes quickly flutter open as I realize my history teacher is standing in front of my desk, everyone in the whole classroom having their eyes glued to me. I cautiously frown, pull an earbud out of my ear, and raise an eyebrow.

 "Annabelle Swan," My teacher glares at me through his thick circular glasses. 

"Uh, yeah Mr. Tuzza?" I softly mumble in aggravation.

"May I ask you why you are failing to pay attention to my lesson?"

I roll my eyes and harshly groan under my breath. "Because I'm listening to my ipod, obviously."

"Yeah. Obviously," Megan the whore says from behind me as I turn my neck to stare at her, as she shifts uncomfortably in her chair.

"Excuse me, bitch. What was that?" I carefully smirk at her as she shrugs and locks her gaze now over to the wall plastered with histoic pictures in frames. "That's what I thought."

"Ms. Swan!" My teacher scolds me as I look back to him. "Answer my question right now. What was I lecturing about, hm? What exactly was I going over when I noticed on of my students wasn't paying any attention!"

"No offence or anything, Tuzza," I slowly let out as his eyes narrow. "But what makes you think that I can answer your question considering I clearly was listening to my music?"

"I don't appreciate the sarcastic tone, Annabelle Swan." He retorts in a growl.

"I'm not being sarcastic Tuzz," I laugh with no humor intended, as a few kids laugh around the room, as I anxiously look around at them and grin.

"Leave my classroom. Now."

"Why? Because I don't fucking believe today will be the end of the world?" I snap at him, noticing how his face completely drops. "Face it, idiot! It's December 21st and we're still alive! Take a look outside at how beautiful everything is. The mayans were clueless and had absolutely no idea what the hell they were talking about."

"So you were listening," he pauses, waiting for my answer as he pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"Once I heard the bullshit come out of your mouth is when I putmy headfones in, in the first place!"

"Keep your voice down, Ms. Swan."

"No! Like, why don't you go and get a real job?" I rudely blurt out, letting my temper get the best of me as he slams his hand down onto my desk as I flinch. 

"Get out of my classroom," he sternly rushes out an in order. "Right this instant."

"If we're really going to die today, Mr. Tuzza, then why are we all still breathing?"


"Fine," I quickly let out, grabbing my bag and putting it over my shoulder as I stand up, swinging my long bleach blonde hair away from my face. "Gladly." I quickly rush my way down the isle, giving a few people high fives and small grins as laughter fills the space around me.

The second I get to the door is when I look back to catch him glaring at me with his arms crossed against his chest, looking at me like he has pitty, which confuses the hell out of me. I just smirk at him before frowning, staring straight across the room into his eyes. "When you wake up tomorrow morning to realize you're still alive and the Mayans were wrong about the end of the world, just remember how your own student was the one to teach you."

Then I immediately leave the room, putting my earbud back in my ear as I quickly walk down the hallway. I know where I have to go to now that I upset Mr. Tuzza and embarressed him so badly. It's not my fault though; he set himself up for that. So now I'm on my way to the principal's office.

Practically my second home.

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