So, Yeah

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Uh.. how long has it been since I wrote on this, idk honestly. To make a long story short, I kinda have lost that spark for writing, (at least about fairy tail, cause it's been so long since I've watched it now). And I'm know that there are amazing writers out there.

So.. whoever wants to, they can use this story as they may, copy all the CHAPTER parts and use it to make there own story, and use it however they want. I'm sure y'all can make a great story outta what has happened, or just use the basic characters and make an entirely new story.

What I'm saying is, I think for me, this story is at its end. Thank you for the insane amount of views, and I might try to write another story, well just have to see.

From, The elusive XboxR3x

Lightning Dragon God Slayer (Fairytail x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now