Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Third Person P.O.V.

          "Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs, with the boom box blaring as we're falling in love, got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk, singing here's to never growing up..." The Avril Lavigne song played on the stereo.

          Serena stood in the kitchen with a mixing bowl in her hand and a whisk. She was staring off into nothing when Kol bounced into the kitchen- literally.

          "Got a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk!" Kol screamed when he jumped onto the counter and stuck his finger in the brownie mix. He looked at it and licked it off his finger.

          "Too much... I don't know. More sugar." He said.

          Serena jumped out of her trance and looked down at the mix before looking at Kol.

          "What?" She asked. Her face seeming slightly scared before she realized it was just Kol.

          Kol shook his head. "Nothing. Where'd Elijah go?" He asked. He was still smirking at her for  jumping.

          She shrugged. "I don't know. He said something about needing to see a witch and then he left." He nodded and tried to get another go at the bowel.

          "No. It needs to cook." He pouted.

          "Vampires can't get food poisoning! What's the big deal?" He asked.

          "Because it's gross and no one knows where you're fingers have been." Rebekah said as she entered the kitchen.


          Elijah stood in front of an old house. It was in a Victorian style house. The paint was pealing and old with pieces of wood missing. No one seemed to be home to the human eyes but to a vampire, he could feel the presence of another supernatural creature.

          He walked up the steps and knocked lightly on the door.

          He heard some shuffling and then the door opened.

          There stood a woman in her early twenties. She looked young, but her eyes held the truth that she had lived a long twenty some-odd years. They made her seem older.

          "Elijah." She said with a slight sigh. The door opened wider and he stepped inside.

          "Marian, I need your help." He seemed out of place. In a house that looked like it should be declared condemned and torn down.

          "Ah Elijah. Always coming around here needing help. Ever heard of saying, oh I don't know... 'Hi'?" She asked. Her sarcastic tone made him smile. He knew she was only kidding.

          She moved to a door by the stairs and opened it. It creaked and she entered it before stepping in.

          "You know, when you told my mother twenty years ago about the magical slayer born and not turned, she nearly died. When she told me, well... I couldn't be happier to know I was getting rid of these things." She stuck her head of the door and he nodded.

          "I'm sorry about your mother. Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked. Sure he only saw the witch in person every couple years, but he did care about her. Once her mother passed, leaving her without family, he felt responsible for her and tried to protect her as much as he could from the supernatural after her.

          "No. I don't particularly like you taking care of everything." She smirked as she walked back out with a chest of different items.

          She grabbed the key that stayed on a chain around her neck and opened the lock that resembled a pirate lock like in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

          Inside the chest she pulled out a dagger, a crystal glass with red liquid  in it. The liquid was watery and had an evil glint to it. As if it were just waiting for Silas. There was another key that she pulled out and she placed it next to the two other items.

          "Do you have the book?" Marian asked. She held her hand out when he handed it over.

          As soon as her hand made contact with the book, her eyes shut and she was flipping through pages until she stopped on the page with the pictures Kol had shown them before.

          She began mumbling fast before the three items began floating in the air. They seemed to be suspended before having a white light flow through them.

          As soon as it started, it stopped and they floated back to the table.

          She opened her eyes and looked at the book. "When Silas is immobilized, take him to me. I will secure him in the coffin after the Slayer removes the heart. Then we will put his heart in this chest." She pointed to the chest that held the three items. "Then the Slayer hides the heart where only she can know where it is. The three items are hidden within my family and then the Slayer is granted the powers she is born with. After that, I cast the spell to cloak Silas, the heart, and the items." She spoke quickly and her heart was beating quickly.

          He nodded. "We are in the town next to Mystic Falls. If you need to get in touch with me, you know how. Do you need any help before I leave?" He asked.

          She glared at him, a small smile on her lips.

          "No. And you know I hate this whole you trying to take care of me. But thank you." She genuinely smiled.

          "No, thank you for this. And I promised your mother I would take care of you and you know I'm a man of my word." She nodded and handed him the chest of items and the key on the top.

          "Keep it safe." He nodded and they shared a goodbye before he left.


          Serena was looking at the items in the chest. Elijah was leaning on a bookshelf in the study watching her reaction.

          She was shocked as she looked at them. She wasn't ready and even he knew that.

          "You know you have a choice, right?" He asked. She looked at him and gave a humorless laugh.

          "No I don't. Silas has to die at the hands of a Slayer. And only a Slayer. If he is killed by anyone else, he can come back." She looked back at the objects, her eyes glaring at the dagger before she slammed the chest shut, not wanting to deal with her life.

          Elijah watched as she moved to the window and watched outside.

          On some level, she wanted to just leave. She didn't particularly want to stay and kill or be killed.

          He nodded and picked up the chest. He placed it under the desk and handed her the key. She smiled as she placed it in her pocket. "Thank you."

          He nodded and exited the room, giving her time to think.

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