Melvin x Delano

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Melvin and Delano are super gay and are hiding it because one of their friends keeps making fan fiction like this one. 

They are soOPER GAY FOR EACHOTHER!! Slowburn

When Melvin looked up Minecraft porn, he probably thought of Delano. Thats how gay he is(true story)

When Delano officially became Satan, he wanted to make Melvin immortal so then he can always be by his side and look at weird porn

So Melvin and Delano are in the same math class as the friend who always makes fan fiction about them. Its funny.

Friend Who Writes Fan Fiction(FWWFF): You guys are super gay

Melvin: No we're not

Delano: We have a bromance

Melvin: Bromance is no gay 

(true story)

~At Art Club~

*Delano and Melvin were laughing and fell to the floor*

Literally everyone in the group: FUCK EACHOTHER


Melvin: *gives FWWFF a fist pump*

FWWFF: *gives high five instead*


Basically, they just always hang out

And should kiss

Super Gay I Swear

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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