Golden Bridesmaid

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Golden Bridesmaid

I tapped the brakes coming up on the last red light, my father's mansion in view. I could already see his bright red mop of hair bouncing excitedly up and down. I sighed and pulled in, parking and jumping off the bike. "Maka!!!!!!" a pale man ran towards me, blue eyes watering. "Oh how I've missed my little angel-!" I raised an eyebrow. Spirit was on the ground clutching his head, glaring at the book in my hand. "Why did you do that~ daddy loves you so much~" He cried. I rolled my eyes.

"Listen. I'm only here for Blair." I said firmly. Spirit sombered. "Do you remember anything?" He asked. I shook my head. "I've been Sleeping a lot, I guess." He nods distantly. "I'm glad you could make it here. For the wedding, I mean." I nodded. "Blair's got your dress up there." At the mention of my soon to be stepmother I brightened. Blair is amazing. She's been there since the beginning as my mom's best friend, and as my caretaker when mom left. She helped dad get out of his drinking habit. And then they fell in love. "I'll see you later!" I yelled, taking off for the mansion.

Dad was rich, living in a luxurious home as a result of his all-too-loving DC Industries job as the right hand of Shinigami. I'd met him once, and called him Lord Death right off the bat. His cheerfulness was so familiar to me, like my own skin.

"Makaaaa!!!!!!" A purple haired woman burst out of the house, running to meet me. I opened my arms with a wide grin. The woman crashed into me and hugged me tightly, letting go to drag me into the house. "I missed you too, Blair." I giggled. Blair stopped in front of a newly decorated room for me to stay in. She decorated a room for everything. I guaranteed that there was a sweet sixteen suite somewhere in here.

It was simple this time, thank shinigami. What? The bed was gold, along with the matching rose wallpaper plastered all across the room. I left my suitcase by the door and made for the bed, knowing it would be comfortable enough to sleep off the days.

After a day or two of crazy wedding preparations, I was finally allowed into the top secret makeup room itself hours before the momentous event. I shivered as she led me down the halls, stopping at a plain white door.

The door opened to a silk-looking gold room. The vanity was enormous this time. A few dresses hung in rows from hangers on sturdy strings. Blair's lips curled into a catlike smile. "Do you like it?" She asked excitedly. I grinned and nodded. "Yes." Blair pushed me gently towards Mizune. I gulped at the hungry expression in my soon-to-be aunts eyes. "You're going to look darling." Her light british accent was infectious. The pink haired woman flitted in between the isles of gold clothing, grabbing my dress off the hanger and locking me in the bathroom with it.

I sighed and pulled it on, stepping back into the room. Three more girls had entered and slipped on similiar dresses, chattering excitedly. "Maka-chan~!" Kim, a shorter version of Mizune, gathered me into her arms. Another girl, Jacqueline, latched onto me as well. Eruka was kneading the hem of her dress nervously. She was always the shyest one in our little group, which was saying a lot. "Hi guys." I smiled. Eruka spoke up with a tiny blush. "I have a boyfriend." She stammered. I grinned. "Details!"

We talked until Blair reentered the room, stunned into silence. She was beautiful. There was no makeup and her hair was as wild as ever, but it made her even more endearing. "Awww, little Blair, you're all grown up!" We gushed, glomping her. She blushed. She hadn't worn something this revealing in a decade, when she became my sort've mom. She didn't want to project her old lifestyle, so she tossed away g-strings and see-through lingerie and turned to shorts and cute shirts. That was one of the reasons I loved her.

"Okay, okay, off. Mizune's got to do your makeup." She said finally. We rolled our eyes as one but did as she asked. Mizune went down the line, sitting me down in the chair last and working her magic. I looked as good as the rest. We watched as she did Blair's makeup. After a while Blair was freed. Jackie was the first to talk when she turned to us. "Spirit's not gonna know what hit 'im." Kim grinned in accompaniment. "You're beautimous." I praised. Eruka stuttered a similar response.

Blair blushed. "L-Let's just get this on with." She said, pouting. I laughed. It was decided Mizune would walk her down the isle since their father was deceased. Angela, a tiny little girl with mousy brown hair and big amber eyes, would scatter the rose petals. Kilik, Ox, and Harvar were the groomsmen.

We walked down the isle one hour and ten minutes later in time with the music, and did our best to look graceful walking up the steps. A muted gasp went around the room when Blair floated in, making the rest of us look like three hour old foals. Spirit looked genuinely happy to see her. I smiled in spite of myself.

The ceremony itself was simplistic, with Fire and Thunder as the ringbearers. Kilik held back laughter as they stumbled up the steps. The vows were short and humorous and sealed with the best kiss ever, sending several people out of their seats screaming something about OTP and feels.

I watched the newlyweds with a devious smile. Soon after this they'd get to board a plane to a special love hotel specifically for newlyweds in the bahamas. Blair told us once how romantic it would be to visit the Bahamas, and her eyes had strayed to Spirit. That was the first time we realized the ship was coming to life. And trust me, pretty much everybody shipped it as soon as we figured it out.

We shipped it hard.

After several hours of dancing, I walked on dead feet to wave goodbye as they boarded the plane. The wedding had dispersed and janitors were busy cleaning up the aftermath. We drove on back to the mansion for one nights sleep. I invited Kim and the others to come inside and stay in the sleepover room. It was just a room with tons of games, cool lights, space, and four beds. I'd only ever invited those three over, so Blair always knew what to expect.

We settled down on the floor in our normal clothes and started talking. Eruka's boyfriend was a buff idiot named Free. Kim and Jackie secretly had a thing for each other. Those two had known since the moment they became friends at four about our old lives. Kim said she was a witch. Jackie said she was Kim's weapon. Eruka was a witch who was blackmailed into working for the wrong side. Free was drafted through an innocent promise to repay a debt.

They all refused to tell me who I was dreaming about.

Nevertheless, I told them about the boy from my dreams being downstairs in my house. They shared knowing looks and teased me about it. "I bet you blushed, Maka-chan," Eruka purred softly. That set off another round of questions. We finally fell asleep around three.

I woke up with a jolt and glanced over at the alarm clock. 1:56. "Shit! Shit shit shit!" I screeched. Eruka rubbed her eyes, and Kim and Jackie disentangled themselves from each other. I was too worked up to giggle. I shoved clothes hurriedly into the suitcase, picking up the dress and new clothes and attempting to make them fit.

The case bumped down the stairs in tempo with my frantic feet. I threw it on the motorcycle and tied it down, waving towards the house before starting up and tearing away. I promised Tsubaki I'd be home by 2:30, and it was 2:16 already. I'd make it on time if I ratcheted up the speed. I thanked the shinigami for relaxed road rules and pulled up to seventy.

Ten minutes later I was safe from death. Literally. She had a thing about punctuality. I was late once because of dad, and she flipped shit. I wheeled the suitcase into the house and stopped in the doorway. "I'm home!" I yelled. No one answered. I went upstairs into my room and unpacked, hanging the dress behind everything else. No matter the occasion, I despise dresses above all else.

I sat down at the piano, touching G softly. I missed it the most. I had withdrawals even hours away from my baby. One note turned into two into a song, one of Soul Evan's songs. I pounded out the melody with as much emotion as I could, all of my sorrow and anger drummed out.

I heard his voice, a bit clearer this time, and smiled. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't inside of my head. "Hit that note harder. That needs to be softer. Barely touch that one." My hands dropped from the keys. "Three more measures." I turned towards the door. A tall boy with spiky white hair and red eyes looked back at me with a sharp toothed smirk, his hands shoved in his pockets.

I saw another of him sitting down on a step, his leg crossed over for him to play on. Play on? Yeah. His leg had turned into a scythe with piano keys. He was playing. "Look, they aren't even listening." His voice faded away to black. I blinked at the boy in the doorway.


This one is sort've short.. I suck at weddings, sorry it's not really all that detailed. The dress to the side is the bridesmaid dress. The song is the wedding theme instead of "Here Comes The Bride".

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