When everything went wrong

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(I'm a terrible writer if I was you I wouldnt read, be ready to cringe)
Disclaimer-i own nothing absolutely nothing

That day was actually happy, nobody would actually expect what would happen in hours to come. Kids were trick or treating, but for some reason seemed to skip one house, not even looking towards it. This house was named Godric's hollow where the Potter family lived. The potters were a family of four, the mom, Lily Potter nee Evans, the father, James potter, and the two one year old twins, the oldest Hadrian who had pitch black hair, and emerald green eyes, and his younger brother Max who contrary to his brother had dark red hair like his mother, and his father's hazel eyes.

Max had and would always be the fussier brother while Hadrian or as everyone called him Harry, was a much quieter child.

It was a normal day for the Potters Lily was watching with a smile on her face as her James summoned bubbles for her boys to pop. She felt as if the war wasn't happening, that one of her children would have the wizarding worlds fate on his shoulders.

(Voldemorts pov)
Tom couldn't wait he could finally kill those meddlesome Potter twins. He knew he would most likely have to spare James just because one of his loyal servants had asked him to spare the wife, he knew it would be suspicious if only one lived, but Severus had given him the prophecy so he should be rewarded.
As he walked towards the door he heard the weak wards go off he knew he must hurry before that meddling old man and his chicken order appeared.

(Lily's pov)
As I was thinking I felt the wards go off. Me and James looked at each other and nodded, we knew what to do. I grabbed Harry and Max and ran up to the nursery, I knew that it wasn't safe to appreciate with baby's so I just had to protect them the hard way. I heard a thump, meaning my husband was probably dead. I felt like crying, but I had to stay strong. Suddenly the door flew open...

(James pov)
As Lily ran upstairs with our kids I got ready to defend them. I knew that if Voldemort got past me my family would die. As the monster exploded the door and came in I got ready to dual. 'Stupefy' Voldemort whispered, I was so surprised he didn't kill me I forgot to move.(oops) I fell unconsious feeling like I failed to protect my Lily-flower, Harry, and Max.
(Back to Lily's pov)
As he came in I stepped in front of my babies. "Move out of the way mudblood" the despicable man spat out the last word. "No" I bit back.
He growled, "Fine" he nonverbally shot stupefy, but if I moved it would hit my kids so I stood still. I fell unconscious seeing him shoot the killing curse at Max.

(Nobody's pov)
As Tom shot the curse at the younger twin, Max pushed Harry in front of him.(They're babies come on) Harry felt this was bad so he released his magic subconsciously saving himself, and his brother but passed out afterwards with only a lightning scar on his head. After this the houses ceiling crumbled, with some rubble falling down in a L.V. shape on Maxes cheek, residue dark magic sinking into it.

As the order arrived they saw the house in shambles, Sirius Black, and Remix lupin ran towards it while an old man watched with a twinkle in his eye. When they arrived they saw Prongs laying on the floor. Padfoot started freaking out, while Remus who wasn't having a panic attack saw that James was still alive and awoke him.

When James got up he started running towards the nursery the other mauraders (excluding Peter) following.

As they entered the nursery James ran to Lily and cast renervabrate (that's a thing right?) , Sirius and remus picked up the twins. As this was happening Dumbledoor walked in forcing the attention unto himself.

"Lily, James i am so glad that your family survived Voldemort" The order members who had still been walking in almost all shivered at the name. This seemed to trigger the fact to James and Lily that their kids were alive. They both ran towards the godfathers(Remus is Maxes godfather)
and took their children back.

Dumbledore once again brought the attention to himself and said,
"I deeply apolagize to interupt this moment, but Lily dear did you see, by any chance, who Voldemort hit" Lily thought for a second then said "Max why?"
"Well i believed that because of that scar" Dumbledore said while pointing to maxes cheek "is all he got from surviving the killing curse and banishing the dark lord."
"So you're saying" James clarified.
"Yes my boy, all hail the boy-who-lived Max Potter" It was at that time that one of the biggest mistakes in history was made.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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