Chapter 6

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We just walked into the office far away from the hallway full of random students and teachers.

"How may i help you?" Said a woman with fake blonde hair that looked like a damp mop.

"I'm new and i have to sign some papers for me and my brother"  I said staring at her hair.

"Okay I'll get those papers, your name is" She stated more than asked.

"Oh sorry my name is Jade Martinez" I said giving her a sweet smile. She handed me the papers that i needed to fill and sign. I sign the papers and walked out with a student I.D. and a locker key, that officially made me a student at W. M. High.

I took my schedule out to see what my first class is. It's Environmental Science with Mr.saunders in room 106. I start to make my way to where locker is. Then it hit me I forgot my backpack in the office.

I turn around and start walking towards the office again. I walked in and saw that my backpack wasn't there.

"Excuse me, have you seen my backpack?" I asked to the same lady whos hair looked like a damp blonde map.

"Oh i saw that you had left it here so I told C.J. to run it down to your class, since he was here and he was going that way." She said casually while playing a game instead of doing her job.

"Okay thanks," I said, turned and walked away since I still had a few more minutes. Great some random stranger has my backpack and they will probably going to talk to me in first period. Ugh, I hate this I walked towards the locker just to know where ìt is.

I got to the locker and opened it. It was just like the other ordinary lockers. Only this one was owned by me and I will soon decorate it with my stuff. It seemed empty.

I looked for my first class of this long day. It's like it's hiding from me. I keep searching until I come to a stop, when someone taps my shoulder. I turn slowly thinking I was about to get in trouble, the bell had rang two minutes ago.

I saw a face that I've seen before and relief was all over my face.

"Can't find your class either." I said to him while looking at his schedule, it was just Michael. He had Chemistry.

"Yours is right next to mine." I said truthfully. "All we have to do is find the science hall." I said looking around to find it. Still no luck.

"Can I help you?" We heard, and turn to see a guy with a purple letterman on. He has light browne hair with green eyes, he looks... cute, I guess. No he is ugly, he is ugly, ugly, yeah right who am i kidding he's HOT.

"No" I said at the same time as Micheal said "Yes". I looked at Micheal. Ugh.

"Okayyy?" He said holding out the 'y'.

"Lets see your schedule." He said extending to us his hand. We handed him our schedules, he looked at them and handed them back.

"The science hall, its in the back hall, here I'll take you'll," he said with a smile. "By the way my name is James but everyone calls me Jay." He said as we walked behind him. I gave him a weak smile and grabbed onto my brothers shirt sleeve because I didn't feel like looking up.

Jay walked us to the science hall and I saw the class I am sopposed to be in at this moment.

The room was filled with cheesy posters about the environment. The students were copying notes from the board. The teacher was sitting on the desk in of the front class room. The teacher is a really I mean really muscular man, his skin is a dark tan and as I walk in I see a Trophy of a Body Builder placed on his desk. My eyes wondered around the small crowd of at least 18 or 20 students before Mr.Saunders starts to walk towards me.

"Are you lost?" He asked looking confused. Probably because I didn't look anything like the students in this class.

"Um...No, this is my class, I'm new." I said giving him a crooked smile.

"Oh...Have a seat in an empty desk, oh what's your name?" He told me, he didn't ask me.

"Jade" I said making my way to the back where there was two empty seats.

"Oh you're the one on every teachers mind" He said very loud causing every student in class to look at me.

"Uh...Yeah...I.Guess." Giving him a nervous smile. I sat down my face getting even more red when the class was still in silence and all the pairs of eyes were still on me.

Until my 'Guardian Angel' popped in. "Sorry I'm late," he said everyones eyes quickly turned to him.

"Why are you late?" Mr.Saunders asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well...Ahh...You see I was Looking for the new girl cause she left her backpack in the office, but I couldn't find her so I just gave up and came to class." he said his eyes glued to the wall.

"Well go take your seat Connor and give her the backpack." Mr.Saunders said holding his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose.

Connor came and sat next to me but he didn't see me, yet, his eyes were pasted on his shoe the whole time.

I put my head down and little by little I started sliding my backpack towards me with my foot. Once it was close enough to reach with my hand, I grabbed it as I slid down my chair.

Then I felt a strong grip on my wrist which caused me to look up and soon our eyes met. Once he saw it was me he gave a weird smile, his eyes full amusement and mine with annoyance.


Sorry about the late update. I've been really busy. I've had to study for finals, which are this week.

Almost done though.

Im going to update every other week on Thursdays. SMILE :D

Summer is in two days.

What are you guys doing for summer?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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