Ch. 1 - An old photo

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No One's POV.

Seulgi was in her 2nd month of her 1st year abroad in England when she stepped into the shop that would change her life. Recently having graduated Hollywood Arts high school, she won a scholarship to attend a prestigious private arts school named Broadlands college. It was located in a small community, called Herford which was located just outside of London.

Things had gone well and she had settled in her small flat that was over a bakery. Besides spending her time involved with school work, she would frequently in her spare time to explore the town. A town which prided itself on a small town feel, being located so close to London proper.

On this particular Sunday afternoon, she wandered in to an antique shop that was located just off the downtown. She hoped to find something gothic looking to decorate her rather plain flat with. It was a small shop and was packed with antiques floor to ceiling. Seulgi wondered just how they could fit so much in.

But on this visit, not much caught her eye. Well, antique end table did. But once she saw the price of 300 pounds, her interest quickly waned. She had only about 55 pounds to spend.

"Nothing caught your eye yet, Miss?" Said the elderly shopkeeper in a cockney accent.

"No," Seulgi said with a shake of her head.

"Are you looking for something specific?"

Seulgi shrugged, "Just decorating my flat, seeing if anything looks interesting."

"Well just let me know if you have any questions." The man said, leaving Seulgi to her task.

Eventually Seulgi wandered over to a table with a sign, "Newly arrived."

She was about to turn away, when a small photograph in a gold frame caught her eye. It was a very old picture of a young woman in a long white dress covered with lace. She was holding a bouquet of flowers and her hair was done up with a flower in it. It appeared to be a wedding or some kind of formal portrait.

Seulgi would have put it down, if not for one thing. The woman's face. It was the most beautiful she had ever seen. She looked somewhat Korean and had cheek bones, perfect lips and a set of dark eyes that caused her heart to beat like mad.

Seulgi found herself unable to look away from the woman. Though one thing bothered her about the photograph, the woman in the picture looked sad. Loneliness was the first word that ran through the Goth's head.

"Why do I think she's lonely." Seulgi mused.

In any case it bugged her that this beautiful creature was unhappy. Seulgi who was openly lesbian since high school, couldn't remember ever seeing such a beautiful face.

"Who are you?" murmured Seulgi quietly.

Thinking she opened the back of the frame so she could examine the back of the picture for a name. Seulgi just had to know this woman's name if anything. But luck was with her, as written on the back in pencil was;

Joohyun Irenea Bae Ferrer – July 1869

"Irenea?" Seulgi said as she thought.

"Spain is not far off, perhaps she's part Spanish." The thought that this lady would have Spanish blood— but she also looks Korean though... It only deepened the mystery. Seulgi put the back of the frame in place, turned it around and smiled.

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