Ch. 32 - Out in the open

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No One's POV

Putting her arm around Seulgi, Irene slowly helped the very drunk girl back across the roof to the stairs. Despite their little breakthrough, the Victorian girl could see that Seulgi was still very upset. She didn't speak, but only cried.

After one or two times where she fell to the ground, Irene managed to get her back in the apartment. She was glad she got her inside when she did, as not more than a minute later it started pouring outside.

"You need to get into bed, Seulgi." Irene said as she eased her in the doorway.

The Korean rebel moaned forlornly, then mumbled. "Back... to the couch."

That made Irene, who, already felt pretty rotten, feel worse. They had been intimate more than once and she made the Korean rebel sleep on the couch. It occurred to her just then, that not once did Seulgi ever complain about it.

For a solid moment, the Victorian girl gave some deep thought of what exactly was right and wrong. Ultimately she concluded it was wrong to leave the Korean-American on the couch like that. Seulgi needed love and affection that could make whatever they had between them grow and she just put a stop to that. All because she was too afraid and wanted to live in the past.

Irene shook her head, "I won't be afraid any longer. Seulgi, you're coming in bed with me. You need me and... I need you."

Seulgi who was still crying, just put her head on Irene's shoulder and sobbed. It made sense that the Korean rebel kept crying, it was obvious now that Seulgi had held a lot in and only now was releasing it. Irene also knew that her words earlier had wounded her pretty badly and that made the Victorian girl feel terrible.

She then helped Seulgi into the bedroom and stripped her out of her wet clothes, then with a towel from the bathroom dried her off. All the while, the drunk girl just cried and cried.

Irene then slid Seulgi into bed, stripped out of her wet clothes, dried herself off and crawled into bed with her. The Korean rebel immediately rolled over and put her arms around her with a soft whimper.

"Please... let me love you..." The drunk, upset and still somewhat wounded Seulgi pleaded before she passed out in Irene's arms.

The Victorian girl didn't know much about how people who prefer the same sex are treated here. Seulgi had made one or two comments about how it was generally accepted, but they had barely spoken in the last 2 weeks. So she never really got a chance to clarify what that all meant.

But regardless if it was accepted or not, her heart told her that being with the Korean-American was the place for her.

"I love you, Seulgi." Irene confessed, before closing her eyes.


Irene awoke the next morning with a snoring Seulgi, still clinging to her. It felt wonderful to wake up with the raven haired beauty. Needing to go to the bathroom, she slowly extracted herself from the Korean rebel's arms and left her sleeping peacefully on the bed.

After using the bathroom, the Latina-American remembered something. In the folder of notes there appeared to be a journal much like the one she wrote in. She never got a chance to look at it last night.

"It's only fair," Irene said to herself whilst opening the book.

The book was a journal that Seulgi had kept during her time in 1869. Not able to resist, the Victorian girl took the journal, poured herself a glass of milk and sat down at the small table in the kitchen.

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