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We found the van parked in the parking lot and went towards the backseat, Harry opened the back door we both stood there looking at each other, "You go on in first, love." Harry gestured. I smiled at him and climbed in the car and sat in the middle of Harry and Niall and Zayn got in the back of all of us. With Louis and Liam in the front seat. "So Sierra, we know your a fan. Have you been to a concert?" Niall nudged me.

"No. I've never been able to. My family well former family never allowed me to go to one. They were too expensive. So I just gave up." I shrugged.

Louis started the car and drove out of the parking lot and into the road heading out of the town. "Why did your parents kick you out love?" Zayn asked as I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

I just sat there debating if I should tell the rest of them. Louis already knows the basic story of it but I don't know if I want them to know the actual reason why. My breath hitched a little bit in my throat as the tears threatened to come up. I bit down on my lower lip as I just stared down between my legs. Louis looked at me through the rear view mirror and his face softened as he knew part of the reason. "Sierra you don't have to tell us just yet if you don't want to love. It's alright. You can tell us when you think your ready. There's no rush."

I calmed down some and sunk down in my seat. "How much longer? I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since yesterday at 6"

"Um, we won't be there for another hour or so. Do you want to stop and get something before we're totally out of town?" Liam turned around in his seat looking at me. I nodded. "Ok any suggestions for restaurants?" Liam anncounced to everyone.

"NANDOS!" I jumped and looked up at Niall who out of the blue shouted that through the whole car. "Sorry." He chuckled and blushed.

"Nandos is fine." I nodded.

"Alright. Louis take us to Nandos." Liam annouced to him.

We arrived outside of Nandos 5 to 10 minutes later and we all piled out of the car make our way into the resturant me among the 5 tall lads. Minutes passed and the waitress comes by and smiles at us, "Hello, how many tonight?" thankfully she didn't freak out that she was in the presense of One Direction.

"6," Louis said dragging me out in front of him. "She's with us."

"Alright, come this way." The waitress grabbed an extra menu and walked out to the dining portion of the restaurant and directed us to a large table and one of the waiters brought around an extra chair.

"Come on love, you can sit next to me." Louis grabbed my hand and brought me over to end of the table.

"Hey, Louis you can't just keep her to yourself!" Harry barked at him.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Louis furrowed his brows as we both sat down.

"You've seemed to have claimed her ever since you brought up the idea of letting us take her in with us and not letting the rest of us talk with her." Harry started quiet yelling.

The rest of uswatched in disbelief that this was actually happening right now. Watch this arguement unfold and its over something so stupid. Sounds so much like my parents. I didn't want them to start fighting, especially not now. "Guys!" I spoke up above the volume of the both of them. They both looked at me. "Will you stop. This arguement is going nowhere and its completely stupid so just knock it off. Harry there's no point in getting mad. I haven't even been with you guys a full day. Let it slide." I sigh as I looked back to the menu.

"She's right. Starting an arguement over something not worth fighting about is dumb. Just stop." Liam nodded.

For awhile none of us spoke as we were all looking over the menu when Niall spoke up, "Hey I got an idea," he began and we all waited for him to continue. "since Sierra's gonna stay with us we have to get to know her first I mean that would be kind of weird when we don't know what her personalitiy is like and stuff like that. So lets all go around and ask a few questions." He finished. They all shrugged and nodded.

"Ok, let's start to her right then," Liam nodded. "Zayn, you go."

"Alright, so Sierra I go 2 questions," He paused and I nodded. "Simple question first, got a favorite color?"

"Really that's your best question." I teased chuckling.

"The color questions Zayn, really?" Louis pushed his shoulder.

"No, I was kidding. Jeez, I see why you want her by you, she's almost exactly like you, all sassy and stuff. Anyway, what's your personality like?" Zayn chuckled.

"Well, I'm sassy as you already figured out. Bubbly, I love to laugh, play games. I'm shy at first but I open up really nicely. I'm sarcastic a lot. I'm mostly nice to everyone unless that person is mean then I'll be mean back. I used to be an agreesive kid. That's about it."

"That's an award winning personalitly right there." Harry claps.

I just laughed. "Thanks Harry."

"Now my second, if you could visit anywhere for a week or two where would it be?"

"I would go to Hawaii. I've always wanted to go there or Australia but once again my parents never took me or my brothers anywhere fun." I said.

"Ok me next," Harry announced. "That was actually gonna be my question, I was gonna ask if you had any siblings but tell us anyway."

"I have 2 brothers. I have a old brother named Alec who's 18 and a younger brother named Nolan who's 7 going to turn 8."

"My next question is are you single?" He winks.

We all laughed at him. "Wow, Harry. So original. We all knew that was gonna be your next question." Louis laughed.

"Of course he would ask that question because he has eyes for her." Niall nudged him.

"Eh, stop picking on me." Harry covers his face with his hands.

I laughed, "Stop picking on his guys," I smiled. "Anyway, no. I'm not single."

"Oo! What a heartbreaker." Niall called out.

"Stop guys." Harry whined.

*skipping to the house *

The long road trip had ended and we came up to a long driveway leading to a huge house. I was sleeping away resting my head on Harry's shoulder as I never slept for any long period of time. When I was under the tree I would always fall asleep but I would wake up 2 or 3 times to switch my position because it's not comfortable. I felt the car stop and next I felt someone shaking me. "Sierra." I heard someone whisper. "Sierra, wake up." I opened my eyes to see smiling faces. "Hello darlin, did you sleep alright?"

I nodded with a sleepy smile as I stretched myself out. "You have a comfortable shoulder Harry. I could use you as a pillow anyday."

"Glad my shoulder is suitable for you." Harry smiled. He opened the door to the car and I followed him out his side of the car and nearly fell as my vision got clouded as I was dizzy. Harry caught me as I fell. " Careful, love. Don't stand up to quick. It'll hit ya."

"Thanks Harry but I'm well aware of that now."

"Alright Sierra, once you step through these doors your whole life will be changed forever..." Niall said as he opened the door and we all filed in.

I walked in and looked around and a smile grew on my face "Thank you guys for letting me stay here." I smiled at them.

"It's no problem at all Sierra, it's the least we can do." Louis smiled. "Let's show you where you'll be staying don't worry, it won't be a small room where you'll feel crammed." Louis started for the large staircase, I followed along after him hearing the rest of the lads file after me. We reached the top of the stairs we walked down to a room on the left at the end of the hall. "This will be your room, of course we gotta fix it up to your liking and style but that will be another time. We really hope you find this place enjoyable, more so than your old home." He smiled. 

"I am still so thrilled that I even have the chance to see you guys but now I can see you everyday. Everything right now is just a dream come true. Thanks once again." A wide smile spread across my face. 

"You're welcome darlin! It's an honor to have you with us. You'll fit in just fine." Harry smiled bringing me into a nice gentle bear hug. 

"Group hug!" Niall announced. Everyone circled around the two of us and hugged. 

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