Chapter Two

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-- This story belongs to The Fantasizer/Mezzy18 copying this story and publishing it in your name is copyright/plagiarism, which is illegal. Do NOT steal this story.--  

Y/N's P.O.V

It had become dark by the time we arrived at the arena. There were groups of people lining up together at what I assumed to be the entrance. Security guards were outside the doors, making sure nobody would sneak inside to meet the band. I was ecstatic at this point, jumping up and down with pure excitement. My mum was trying to see me off, but I was hardly listening to her goodbyes. I was too busy frantically searching for my ticket that was meant to be in one of my pockets. Eventually I found it, and hurriedly said goodbye to my parent.

"Bye mum. I'll see you after the concert, okay?" I impatiently pulled her into a hug.

"See you later sweetie, love you!" Giving me a kiss on the forehead, she let go of me and headed back to the car, waving goodbye one last time before she left.

I smiled and made my way towards the line. I stepped in and waited. By the time it was my turn to get my ticket scanned, I was practically screaming in my mind. I was so nervous, considering this was the first concert I had ever been to, and my hand shook as I handed the small slip of white cardboardish-paper to the lady who was scanning the tickets. The scanner beeped in approval and the lady nodded, giving the ticket back to me.

"I'm going to need to take a look in your bag miss," She held out her hand, and I gave her my small backpack. Opening it up, she took a look inside, shifting around a few things with her hands. "Alright, everything seems to be okay. You can go in."

I took my bag away from her and smiled politely. As I walked in, I saw crowds of fans gathered up on the floor talking to each other. I didn't know what to do, so I awkwardly walked over to the front of the stage. I had figured that I would get to the front of the stage in preparation of the concert starting, since I didn't want to push through the crowds of people during it to get into the mosh again. I found an area clear of any people so I sat down and put my bag next to me. The bag my mum had packed for me wasn't too heavy, but it wasn't exactly light, either. My mum really likes to make sure I have everything I need at all times. I guess you could call her somewhat of a helicopter parent.


"Thank you everyone! I hope you have all enjoyed this wonderful evening so far, we most definitely have. Sadly, it's time for us to go now, but don't worry! Please welcome, BLACK VEIL BRIDES!" The lead singer of the band shouted into the microphone. This band that Black Veil Brides was touring with was absolutely amazing in my opinion. They had me so hyped! I couldn't help but scream with the rest of the audience.

As the band departed from the stage, I felt so excited. This was it. I was finally going to see Black Veil Brides perform. After this last break, the moment I had always been waiting for would finally come. Other fans split apart the mosh again and went their separate ways; either to buy a beverage or food from the canteen, to buy some merch, to go to the toilets, go out for a smoke... anything. I didn't go anywhere. I stayed where I was so I didn't lose my spot in the mosh. My feet were hurting, my ears were sore from the loud music and I was dehydrated and hungry. I didn't care that my mum had packed some food for me in my bag earlier that day, I was too paranoid that the security guards would kick me out because of it. 

As I waited there, listening to the faint sound of the arena playing more shitty 80's pop music to give everyone a rest, I was thinking. I was thinking pretty seriously. What if the band does notice me, what then? Yet again, what if they don't? Will I be sad afterwards that they didn't bother to look in my direction? I really had a strong hope that they would notice me in their sea of followers, but of course that hope diminished pretty quickly. I was a girl who doubted myself often, I never really ever felt hope or any emotion like it. Happiness was definitely a no-no. I very rarely felt happiness. But on that night, I felt so much happiness, love, enjoyment, excitement and passion. This concert really had an effect on me.

I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them tight to me with my bag on top of them. This was going to be another long wait that I had to endure.

About 15 minutes later, the lights were killed again and I immediately stood up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. All of a sudden I got pushed against the barrier and all I could hear were choruses of screams, it seemed like every single person in the world was chanting "Black Veil Brides!" over and over again. I was actually a bit scared I would be crushed to death, it felt like I was going to be. 

I looked at the stage. As soon as I did this, my eyes opened wide and I felt like crying. I could see Jinxx, Jake Pitts, Ashley Purdy, CC and Andy Biersack walking onto the stage together. They all took their places and Andy took the microphone into his hands, grinning like a mad man.

"Hello everyone!" screams. "Are we ready to rock tonight, or are we ready to rock tonight?!" Even louder screams. "Okay! Let's start with, 'Wretched and Divine!'" More, louder than ever screams.

It was amazing. They were amazing. I was so into the music that by the time they were into their fourth song, 'Heart Of Fire', I didn't even notice that my feet were hurting anymore. I looked around. I was only thinking that everyone else was having such a good time until I looked into the far corner of the arena. The security guards that were at the entrance were walking towards the crowd... but it wasn't normal walking. They were walking way too slowly for it to be normal. All of a sudden, the security guard who was closest to any of the fans bit someone, tearing out the flesh from their throat. My eyes widened and my right hand covered my mouth as I watched the rest of the guards going through the seats and doing the same thing.


A/N: Okay, I know, I'm sorry. This chapter wasn't a long one. But I think it was better to end this chapter there because of the idea I had in mind for it. Don't worry, the next chapter will hopefully be up soon and if any of you are reading my other book, 'Andy Biersack x reader SMUT', I will be working on that when I get home from the family holiday I've been dragged to. I get home in 2 days, but I most likely won't be working on it straight away, since plane flights LITERALLY KILL YOU and I need to unpack and everything. 

Thank you for reading :)

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