♡O N E

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The rain was pelting down in Daegu. Taehyung sighed as he clutched Yoongi's arm under the protection of the umbrella. They slowly made their way to school, the rain drowning out the sounds of cars and traffic.

Yoongi gazed around the gloomy streets until he spotted someone being dragged into an alleyway, crying for help. He nudged his best friend, pointing towards the direction of the helpless boy;

❝Hyung look!❞ he says. The shrieks began to grow louder as they made their way towards it;

❝Let me go! H-Help me!❞ the voice yelped in pain as a punch was swung towards his jaw.

In a matter of seconds, Yoongi leapt on to the attacker as Taehyung hauled the wounded boy away. Suddenly, his eye caught a shining school badge pinned on to the boy's now-stained shirt.

Korean Arts High School; it read.

❝You go to our school?❞ Taehyung questioned as he clung on to the boy's arm. He grimaced in pain;

❝Y-Yeah❞ he managed to croak out;
❝I'm Park Jimin❞ he huffs, holding out a shaky hand. Taehyung shook it and gave him a warm smile, in which Jimin does in return.

Faint dimples grew on the side of his chubby cheeks, his eyes fading into an eye-smile. Taehyung was in awe of Jimin's features, he blushed a deep shade of red.

'How come i've never noticed him before'
Taehyung thought to himself

Reality hit him when the sound of a large thump against the grimy pavement was heard. The two boys turned their heads, seeing Yoongi laying on the ground. A groan escaped his lips as he held on to his hurt arm.

In a flash, the unknown attacker sped off, leaving Yoongi whimpering. With difficulty, Taehyung heaved him up, Jimin pushing his weight against him. Once they've gained balanced, they floundered their way to school with the cold rain spitting on to them.

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