♡T W O

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They sat beside the medical bed where Jimin laid, the rain filling the silence.

The door creaked open, a boy with ash-brown coloured hair walking in. His hair had the hues of a woodland, how such tint could play with the light.

❝Is Jimin here? ❞ he questions as he scratches the back of his neck. An expression of surprise was worn on the boys' faces;

❝You know him?❞ Taehyung spoke, glancing towards the figure of Jimin.

The boy nodded as he grabbed a chair to sit beside the bed. He brushed his fingers through his silky hair;

❝He was in our science class last term❞ he stated, scrunching his eyebrows;

And my best friend❞ he scoffed, crossing his arms playfully.

Taehyung and Yoongi gave a quick look at eachother;

❝You never introduced him to us Hoseok❞ Taehyung sighed, pouting. Jimin giggles as Yoongi raises his eyebrow.

Without warning, the sound of the bell started to ring, signalling them to make their way to lesson. The boys stood up;

❝Anyway, see you around Hoseok ❞ Yoongi waves, him nodding in response;

❝You too Jimin❞ he kindly smiles as he swiftly left the room. Taehyung winks at Jimin;

❝It's nice meeting you!❞ he grinned and dashed towards his upcoming lesson. Jimin smiles back, hiding the shades of pink appearing on to his cheeks.

❝See you around Chimmy❞ joked Hoseok and gleefully skips out of the room.

Jimin shook his head, a smile spread across his face.

He observed the rain pattering against the window and sighed, rewinding the moment of what happened this morning. He took deep breathes and closed his eyes, deciding to regain some energy.

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