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If anything,this reunion has reminded me how much of a highschool girl I still am inside.I still cared about what people thought.I was still incredibly insecure.And,I still had a weak spot for Demi Lovato.

I always regretted not approaching her back then and secretly wished she'd be here.That's why I came in the first place.But now that she's is,I can't even bring myself to say hi.
Oh come on,what's the worst thing that can happen? I tried to encourage myself, we're all grown ups here.

Next think I knew,I came up to her.

"Hi" I said,reaching my hand out to her "Demi,was it?"

Why did I say that?

"Yes" she smiled and shook my hand "Marie.I remember you"

Remembers me? I didn't even know she knew my name.

"Why don't you join me?" she said,with the biggest smile on her face

"Sure" I replied,taking a seat next to her.She smelled so good and looked so pretty.She wore a beautiful black dress that hugged her curves perfectly.Her brown hair was tied up in a gorgeous bun,revealing her beautiful pale face.

"I don't know why I ever came to this reunion." she sighed "it just reminded me how rude everyone is"

"I totally know how you feel" I agreed "I only came in hopes of seeing...some old friends.But none of them came.Good thing I ran into you.So how are you?"

I felt myself getting too comfortable.What if I talked too much?

"I've been good.I finally got a record deal.My single comes out next month,and my album by the end of summer" she said,smiling adorably

"Congrats! Wow,I'm really happy for you" I honestly was.She had a beautiful voice.I loved hearing her sing in school plays.It was one of the reasons I had such a huge crush on her.


We spent the next hour or so talking about everything we could think of,as if we were friends for ages,even though this is our first real conversation.She wasn't just hot and talented,she was a great person and had an amazing personality.I regret not reaching out to her all these years,but then again,that would be odd since we were never actually friends.

She suddenly got up,almost jumping out of her chair.

"Let's go to a club or something.I'm tired of this place" she said lively.I must admit I was kind of surprised  she was already inviting me to go clubbing with her,but I wasn't gonna pass it up.

"Why not"I replied almost instantly,getting out of my seat almost as fast as she did.


The night was so lovely.The air was so clear and there wasn't even a cloud in the sky,if there even are clouds at night.

I decided to walk home.The club Demi took me to wasn't really far from my house.I still couldn't believe it.I just spent the evening with her as if we were old mates and she even gave me her number,saying we should catch up again.The seventeen year old me would have passed out.The twenty five year old me wasn't far from it either.

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