Ch-31 Arlon vs Alain Part 2

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The cloud of some cleared and .. both the pokemons were on the ground .

'' Both Noivern and Unfezant are unable to battle . This is a draw . Now the trainers can take the 10 minutes rest . ''

''Well we are still 1 point ahead of him '' said Lucario.

'' Yes but we have to be careful . Now I would use Floatzel.''

The field had changed and a grass field was present.

''Go Floatzel''

''Go Bisharp''

''Ready ? Battle begin''

''Bisharp use Shadow Claw ''

''Floatzel lets do it . Spin and use water gun ''

''Flo flo''

The opposing Bisharp got hurt and was  not able to attack Floatzel as well.

''Those moves ! Those look like the counter shields !Ash invented them!''exclaimed Dawn.

''She's right . It was Ash who invented them!''said Brock

''Oh that ! Arlon said that he saw Ash's match video clips and would use them in his next match''Serena quickly said.

''Pi ka Pikachu''

''Gren gren ''

'' Oh ok '' said Dawn

'' Now Floatzel use Rain Dance''

'''Flo Flo floatzel''

Immediately rain began to pour .

'' Bisharp use Snorul''
''Floatzel spin and use upperjet''

''Flo tzel''

Floatzel flew above the Snorul and hit Bisharp on the chest.

''Bi sharp''

''Bisharp no !''

''Bisharp's unable to battle . Floatzel wins.''

''This feeling . I had it only when I battled Ash . Could it be...''

''Well done Floatzel . Alain have you having fun ?''

''Sure am . Now come out Metacross''

'''Lets do it Floatzel ''

''Metacross use Meteor Mash ''

''Spin and use Upperjet ''

''Catch it and use Meteor Mash ''

''Meta meta cross''

Metacross caught Floatzel by its neck and shooted through Floatzel.

''Flo zell''

''Floatzel no''

'' Floatzel's unable to battle . Metacross wins.''

''I think you should bring out Deciduye Ash''said Lucario.

''You read my mind .Deciduye I choose you''

'''Deci duye''

''Metagross use Meteror Mash ''

''Use Spirit Shackle''

Both the attacks collided and exploded.

''Deciduye let's end this . Use Leafage''

'' Use protect ''

''Now use Aerial Ace ''


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