Ch-33 Arlon vs Giovanni Part 2

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'' Lycanroc I choose you.''
An orange coloured dog pokemon came out.

''Aa ooo''said Lycanroc

''Gengar return. Go Golem''


''Lycanroc use Acceleroc''

''Dodge and use Seismic Toss''

''Lycanric use Quick Attack to dodge and use Rock throw''

Lycanroc dodged Golem narrowly .

''Use tackle''

''Now Lycanroc''

Arlon and Lycanroc did a Z pose.

'' Use Continental Crush''


A giant rock was formed above the stadium and it came down quickly on the Golem and crashed . The rock then broke into pieces and the ground became covered with rock.

''Goo lem''

''Golem is unable to battle . Lycanroc wins' '

''Ah you pest . Go Nidoqueen''

''Lycanroc use Acceleroc ''

''Catch it and use Seismic Toss ''

''Lycanroc do...''

Before Ash could finish Nidqueen caught Lycanroc swiftly.The Ground pokemon took Lycanroc high and threw it . Lycanroc was much damaged.

'' Now finish this. Use tackle''

''Use Bi..''

Before Ash could finish the opposing Nidoqueen hit Lycanroc again and Lycanroc fainted.

'' Lycanroc is unable to battle . Nidoqueen wins.''

''Great job Lycanroc . Go Lucario ''

''Nidoqueen use Stone Edge.''

''Lucario use Bone Rush and follow Aura Sphere after it. ''

The combined moves hit Nidoqueen hard and she took much damage and fell to the ground .

''Lets finish this .Use  Aura Sphere''


Lucario formed a blue sphere and threw it quickly on Nidoqueen. The Aura Sphere hit Nidoqueen and she fainted .

''Nidoqueen is unable to battle. Lucario wins' '.

'' Go Gengar''

''Lucario its time to mega evolve''

Lucario Mega evolved and had red spots at the end of its ears and at its legs.

'' Gengar you too Mega evolve''

Gengar Mega evolved into a white coloured Gengar with a spot on its head.

The crowd was cheering for Arlon . In the crowd were Tierno, Shauna ,Sawyer , Trevor , Alain , Mairin , Sanpei , Miette , Trip, Harrison ,Tyson, Cameron, Lana, Sophocles, Kiawe,Mallow and Lillie and  all were watching Arlon.

''Now Lucario use Aura Sphere.''

'' Gengar disappear and use Shadow Ball.''

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