Chapter 3

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"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap." - Cynthia Heimel.

Saniya's POV

I stood in a small room with a large glass window looking into the MRI room; I didn't really need to be in there, but it was recommended that I knew what went on with Noah Jared's condition as we went along. We were looking for an infection rather than cancer; I watched as Dr. Anderson  pressed a button and Noah entered the MRI.

"Noah's MRI and tox screen were clean. No infection or neurotoxins," Dr. Anderson stated, as he placed the records on the table.

I picked up the file and turned to the results. "His oxegen saturation is above by one percent," I observed. 

"One percent doesn't make a difference," Dr. Vayla said. "It's in range; look, the problem's in his lungs, not his heart anyway."

"Lung problem wouldn't cause hallucinations," I pointed out. "But it could lead us to the actual root of the hallucination that Noah had."

The other two doctors began listing possiblities of causes and diseases, some of which were quite ridiculous. I turned to see Dr. Rozen looking rather bored and completely stumped. I mentally shook my head; as the person who set this diagnotic team up, she should have had more input.

"I need to get home," I said, getting up and slipping my white coat off, replacing it with my black leather jacket. "What I think we should do is get some arterial blood gasses. After we confirm he's hypoxic we'll get a plethysmography, chest X-ray, CT and VQ."

"If we get nothing from that then put a catheter into his lungs," Dr. Rozen piped up. I was surprised to hear the sound of her voice; if she wasn't such a good diagnostition, she wouldn've been fired, I was sure of it.

I walked out from the hospital in the light drizzle that pelted at the remaining slush from earlier February's snowfall. I pulled the hood of the hoodie I wore underneath my jacket; in the morning, I sensed that I was being followed. I didn't do anything, I didn't answer the very few questions sent out by the two press representatives, but instead I kept walking until I got onto the bus. I had sat right at the back in the corner, counting on hoping and prayer that no one would recognize me.

Now I knew I was being tailed: the same happened as I entered the bus for the ride home. Thing is, I hadn't really left the eye of the public. I shifted in my seat and darted my eyes to my left where I noticed a girl with her phone out. The back was shown in my direction and the girl only tapped the screen once every five seconds. Yep, even random members of the public were snapping photos very un-discreetly...Or maybe I was just good at observing.

And it pissed me off a lot.

Yes, fine, when I'm out with Zayn, come and ask questions and take photos, but don't stalk me like a freaking pedophile when I'm sitting like any other person on a bus! I stayed in my seat, acting oblivious to the fact that Tumblr was about to gain about a hundred more posts of Zayn Malik's fianceé using public transport. 

Not to mention that the stupid child birth thing was on my mind. I had been lucky that the topic hadn't actually been properly raised, but Ava had to come along and send it in my mind again. I wondered whether Zayn heard, whether he realised that it had some sort of effect on me.

It was a ten minute walk from the bus stop to the house. Only when I was inside and the door was shut did I take my hood down and push the stray hair out of my face.

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